The Alleyway

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"What do you mean she doesn't have any siblings?" Shawn slammed his coffee cup down heavily onto the cafe table and ignored the shocked faces of the people around him. The information he was receiving was not what he was expecting and he wasn't happy about the connotations of that

"Maria Mercedes Marquez an only child born in New York, moved here just after the death of Sinu Cabello, met and married Alejandro Cabello all within 6 months, raised Karla Camila and her older sister Maya Marnie as her own and that's pretty much everything. Well apart from the fact she's pretty well known for having issues with gambling and drinking. Everyone I spoke to said she was the life of the party, heavy drinking, big buck gambling and then dropping her panties for whoever will pay"

"Well that means Camila was lying to me. She said her uncle when she doesn't even have an uncle"

"Maybe she didn't mean 'uncle' uncle"

"What other kind of uncle could she mean?"

"Did you never have a friend of the family that your parents insisted on calling your aunt or uncle even though they were no relation to you what so ever?"

Shawn fixed the black haired man with a cold gaze, his teeth clenched as his finger began to drum hard against the wooden table top

"Shit! Shawn I'm sorry dude, I wasn't thinking"

"You never think dick head" Shawn pulled his cup hard to his lips and let the hot liquid scold the memories away "Okay so say he is just a family friend how do I find him?"

"Ask the girl?"

"She's not exactly forth coming with information"

"Why are you so bothered by this anyways? I haven't seen you this uptight in a long time"

"Because she's tiny and she was roughed up by someone way bigger than she is and I'm not having it. I didn't learn to fight just to sit back and do nothing"

"Speaking of which..."

"I'm just back"

"You didn't tell me?!"

"You have to speak to Ethan dude, he's the one in the know, I just go where he tells me when he tells me"

"So this girl..."

"She's no one so don't ask me about her" Shawn took another sip of his coffee hoping to drown the truth with the dark liquid

"Hey Shawn" Looking up it took Shawn a second to to recognise the blond in front of him but once the penny dropped his temper flared as he jumped to his feet and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her out of the cafe and down the side street that lay next to it "Trying to get me alone are you? That's pretty hot" the girl smirked as a finger rose to Shawns cheek but he just pushed her hand roughly from his skin

"You lied to Camila about me"


"So I don't take people meddling in my life without seeking out revenge"

"And what are you going to do? Hit a girl?"

"No. You're going to get me the information I want"

"About Camila?"

"Of course about Camila. I want to know about the uncle she hates"

"She doesn't have an uncle"

"Someone she refers to as an uncle?"

"Not that I know of" Cassie bit down on the corner of her nail and Shawn knew it was an attempt at seduction rather that self grooming

"Well you soon will know and you'll tell me everything you find out otherwise I'm going to make your life very fuckin difficult, the same way you tried to mess with mine" Shawn lifted his fingers to Cassies chin and raised it so she was looking him straight in the eye "Do. Not. Mess with me" he told her but just as he finished speaking her hands slid into his hair and pulled his lips to hers.

Momentarily stunned by how she had turned the tables on him so quickly and completely he didn't move as she kissed him harder and then moaned loudly before a voice behind them cleared their throat

Shawn didn't even need to turn around to know who was standing, observing the scene before her and his chin dropped heavily to his chest

"Mila this isn't what it looks like!" Said Cassie as she still clung to Shawn

"Sure it is" said Camila with a shrug "but I don't care, you're both single, if making out in a filthy alley way turns you on then go for it"

Shawn stared down at Cassie daring her not to say something to fix this, beyond worried to turn around to face Camila, not sure what would bother him more, seeing that she was hurt by what she'd just seen or completely unbothered by it

"Anyways, I'm just going shopping for a date I have tonight"

"A what?" Shawn seethed, still not turning around

"He's a super nice guy, maybe we could double date one night?" Camila asked with a smile as Shawn stared a warning down at the blond

"Why don't we double tonight?" Asked Cassie as she slid her arm though Shawns and clung to him tightly

"Probably a bad idea" Camila answered "Its a first date and Shawns pretty intense when it comes to me and other guys"

"You haven't seen anything yet" Shawn once again seethed as he finally turned around to face Camila and his heart did a weird jump when he looked down at her. Her hair in loose curls, her face void of any makeup and a loose fitting denim, baby doll dress covering the curves his hands and mouth had been all over just hours earlier, not a scrap of material underneath, not even a bra

"Who's the guy?" He asked through clenched teeth

"None of your business, that's what you like isn't it? Secrets?"

"The good thing about those kind of secrets is they don't stay secret for very long" 

"Cass, I would get your boy under control, I think he's getting jealous over a girl that isn't you" Camila winked at the girl as she turned to leave, satisfied she'd proven to them both that she couldn't care what they get up to in dirty alleyways but unsatisfied with the sadness that clung to her chest like cobwebs clinging to a darkened corner

"Who are you going out with? We could double couldn't we Shawn? You'd love to spend the night watching another guy all over Camila wouldn't you?" At that moment it was hard to distinguish between who squirmed harder at the thought of Camila with another guy all over her, Shawn or Camila herself, knowing the identity of her date

"He wont be 'all over me'" Camila said quickly and with a look on her face that immediately piqued Shawns curiosity

"Double date? We'll be there" he announced , taking out his phone and opening it "time and place"

"We aren't double dating" Camila insisted but Shawn saw the panic on her face

"Time. And. Place?" He said again, his low voice daring her  to argue with him

"Wouldn't you and Cass rather find a new alleyway to spill your seed in?" She asked in defiance, crossing her arms tightly over her and letting her gaze seek out the safety of her friend only she found there was no safeness there any more, Cassie had suddenly become the competition

"Time. And. Place" Shawn insisted as he forced his phone into her hands before sharing a side glance to Cassie that told her she had just signed her own death warrant and also the death warrant for the friendship between herself and Camila

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