The Information He Didn't Want Her To Have

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"Do you know how much money you've cost me?" The gruff voice seethed into Shawns neck, causing the younger mans face to grimace at the feel of hot breath and spit on his skin

"That was on you! I told you I don't go down for anyone, you didn't believe me? Then that's your fault!" Shawn attempted to struggle against his assailant but didn't want to make a commotion, aware that Camila was just down the hallway and would no doubt be trying to listen in to every word

"And I told you kid that you would go down for me or I would make your life very, very miserable indeed"

"Yeah well your guys already gave me your message and I'll tell you the same as I told them. I fight to win, I do not go down for anyone, especially not some old English guy that thinks he can turn up and throw his weight around, ruin my career and my reputation just cos because you think there's an easy buck in it when believe me there's nothing 'easy' about what I do or the money I earn, if there was everyone would be doing it"

Shawn grunted as his arm was pushed higher up his back

"I spoke to your bruvva..."

"My brother's my manager, he arranges my fights and collects my money that's all..."

"Well he'd better arrange another fight and it better be soon and you had better be a good boy this time round"

"I'm not a good boy for anyone, especially not fuckers like you"

"Shawn?" Camilas voice was quiet and unsure as he twisted his head to see her peering around his bedroom door, her eyes wide with her forehead crumpled in confusion

"Well, well, well..." Said the man as he looked Camila over and Shawns head dropped to the wall in front of him, annoyed that Camila had once again become a factor for him to consider "Negotiations just took an interesting turn didn't they boy? Why don't you come over here sweetheart?"

"Stay where you are Camila, don't come any closer!" Shawn ordered but she looked at the older man and as he curled a finger at her, she began walking down the hallway, not sure why she seemed unable to stop herself

"A girlfriend? Interesting, very fuckin interesting indeed"

"She's not my girlfriend"

"A sister?! Even better, there'a nothing more worth fighting for than blood"

"She's definitely not my sister"

"So who are you then sweetheart?" Asked the man as he finally released Shawn and then quickly closed the distance between him and Camila, sliding an arm over her shoulders and pulling her to him in a way that let both she and Shawn know that she was no longer free to leave

"A friend? ...I guess" Camila asked nervously, her eyes latching on to Shawns as her body froze in a familiar acceptance of the mans intentions as his gaze dropped to the Team Mendes T-shirt that hung almost to her knees and was the only clothing she wore other than her underwear

"A friend wearing his T-shirt in what I assume is his room..."

"It's not what you think" said Shawn quickly as he reached for Camila but the unwanted guest manoeuvred her out of his grasp

"You seem pretty eager to get your hands on her when she's not even your girlfriend... but then again... who wouldn't be?" The mans gaze moved over Camilas naked legs and then over the T-shirt, pausing at her chest as he let out a small moan and that noise of appreciation was all it took for Shawns patience to give and his fist to collide heavily with the guys chin, causing him to fall backwards as Shawn finally managed to grab hold of Camila and pull her to him "That. My son, is what I definitely don't want you to do next fight"

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