The One Moment In Time

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Shawn sat on the edge of his bed in just his boxers and played and then replayed Camilas words in his head

'I want to be with Shawn...'

His body tingled with the words and then a familiar fear flooded his guts

'I want to be with Shawn...' as her arms moved around his waist and her soft hair pressed against his chest

'I want to be with Shawn...' his mind span as he thought about it.

Did she just mean she wanted to move out of her home and then live with Shawn? Or did she mean something else, something more?

His mind went back to their conversation in the car, neither of them acknowledging that they were talking about themselves but both of them knowing they were referencing the situation that was going on between them

"Fuck!" Shawn said into the humid air of the room as he ran a large hand over his face and then his newly washed curls.

"You okay?" Camila asked as she stepped into his bedroom and silently closed the door behind her, the air immediately electrifying as their eyes caught and then lingered on each other. Camila tugged nervously at the sleeve of Shawns T-shirt she wore as a night dress and then tried to force a smile, hoping the lessen the obvious tension between them

"Sure. There's just a lot going on right now"

Camila nodded as she moved to the dresser with a mirror and began to braid her hair, so lost in the activity that she didn't notice Shawn stand up and move behind her, reaching over her shoulder and taking hold of her hand causing Camilas head to twist and look up at him over her shoulder, their faces so close that they could taste each other on their breath

"Don't" Shawn said quietly, his gaze never moving from Camilas "I like it down"

Slowly, Camilas fingers began to unpick the braid, Shawns gaze on her so intense that she was afraid to look away.

Slowly a large hand reached out and lay flat on Camilas stomach before pulling her gently backwards so her ass was nestled softly against his groin

Camilas heart began to pound so hard she knew he would be able to feel it but for that moment she didn't mind him knowing the effect he had on her, the way he cared and protected her making her feel as though the truth that her heart was pounding for him was something he deserved to know

His long fingers in her hair caused her to finally break her gaze from his as her eyelids dropped shut and she felt her hair being pulled over one shoulder and then the neck and of the T-shirt being lowered to expose her shoulder

Silently, Shawns mouth moved to the freshly uncovered skin, kissing it once softly and then a second time slightly harder as his hand that still lay flat on her stomach held her firmly in place

Camilas eyes stayed shut as she took in his warmth, his smell, the softness of his kisses against the strength of his arms.

Every breath, every kiss already feeling like more than she had ever dared to dream of, her body dying under the weight of it all and then being reborn as his kisses healed her in a way she thought she would never heal

Staying silent even though every part of her wanted to cry out in pleasure, Camila opened her eyes and stared into the mirror, her body flooding with heat at the sight of Shawn towering over her, his naked torso pressed to her back as his strong arm wrapped around her, the swallow tattoo almost looking as though it was there solely protecting her

She watched in pure adoration as Shawn once again lowered his lips to her skin only this time kissing the spot just below her ear that made her toes curl and her centre hot and then her heart to begin to ache

It wouldn't work with Shawn...

Moving past this moment right now he may never want her again but looking into the glass as their eyes caught she knew it didn't matter, she wanted this moment with him, this intensity, this affection... she wanted Shwn and she wanted all of him, if only for now

His fingertips on her hips, turning her around to face him broke her from the depth of her thoughts, her arms remaining by her sides as Shawns large hands grasped her cheeks and his forehead lowered to hers, leaning against it briefly and then tilting as his mouth moved over hers, gently pouting a kiss to her closed lips, before another and another and then pulling her bottom lip between his teeth, demanding more, demanding participation as his hands moved from her face to her hair, their hips pressing together as finally Camila opened her mouth and the entire world around them seemed to suddenly burst into flames. The colours and tastes so vivid as the flames covered them both with the most delicious heat

Minute after minute past by as Shawn and Camila stood in each other's arms, their mouths tasting and exploring, gasping and moaning as their finger tips grabbed and gripped at whatever they could but they never moved to the intimate parts of the body, they never turned this moment that was irking them both alive into what they had already had from each other, this time it was about more, about them becoming more. Letting each other know that if only for right now they were more to each other than any couple on earth had ever been maybe tomorrow this feeling would be gone and they would be nothing once again but for right now, they were everything

*some cheese because with these 2 you know it won't last long lol x

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