The Peace Pact

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"Mila!" Camila gritted her teeth as the sickly sweet voice called out from behind her.

That morning the voice of the enemy had spoken to Shawn in rough, broken English but here Camilas enemy was speaking to her in the softest, sweetest, most pure of tones and yet Camila knew she couldn't trust her one inch.

"Honey I missed you" Cassies arms wrapped around Camilas shoulders as the shorter, brunette girl gave herself over to the embrace and didn't resist it

"I wasn't expecting your call" Camila wrapped her arms around herself, finding it difficult to make eye contact with the girl that had betrayed her in so many ways

"I've been a bitch, I know I have and I'm sorry"

Camila just lifted and dropped her head in agreement, the urge to argue or fight back completely lacking from her body

"I shouldn't have said what I said about you"

"So why did you?" Camila dropped down onto a worn park bench and kept her gaze straight ahead of her as Cassie followed her lead and sat next to her

"Because you had Shawn and I was pissed"

"He was never yours, he was never even interested in you!"

"And that's the reason I was pissed. Camila, Shawn is hot and he's sexy and he's..."

"Mine" confirmed Camila for the first time out loud "Shawn's mine so if that's what this is about, you getting your claws into him..."

"It's not, I mean I know, everyone knows, he has everyone warned" Camila nodded, both loving and hating the possessive side of Shawn, wanting him to mean it but knowing it was just a vitriolic reaction he had to the thought of her with anyone else

"So what's this all about?" Camila shifted on to faded, wooden bench that sat at the side of the park and let her gaze lazily roam over the peaceful Sunday morning scene before her

"Us" Cassie confirmed as she took a seat next to her friend "I hate that we're fighting"

"You stole my money Cass, what do you expect?"

"I was desperate and you have plenty"

"That's not the point, if you needed it you could have just asked like you usually do but you stole my bank card, you stole my money, how can I trust you?" Camila didn't even look up at the blond because she knew the truth was that she couldn't. Cassie has proven herself to be an untrustworthy friend as well as a thief and a liar but she was the closest thing to a real friend Camila had ever had and for some reason she wasn't ready to let that go

"I'm sorry?" Cassie said it more as a question than a genuine sentiment and Camila hated that, she wanted her to be sorry, wanted her to get down on her knees and tell her she was wrong and she hadn't meant to hurt Camila but instead Cassie tossed her blond hair over her shoulder and looked at Camila as though her very presence was boring her

"Is this about Shawn? You have done the worst you could to me, wanting my guy doesn't even come close to the top of the list"

"So you guys are together?"

"Neither of us are looking for anyone else if that's what you're asking"

"I'm asking if Shawn is available or unavailable... are you able to answer that?" Cassies eyes dared Camila, desperate to see some hesitation, desperate to know the man she wanted was available to want someone else

"He's unavailable and even if he was available I think he's made it more than clear that he's not interested in you"

"Okay fine. Me and Shawn it won't happen, but what about you and me? Can we get past this?"

Camila knew she couldn't, knew she didn't want to, knew that the damage was done but she nodded her head


"Do you want to party tonight?"

"I can't, I'm busy"

"With Shawn?"



"We'll see" Camila pushed up from the bench and gazed down at the blond "No more rumours?"

"I'm done being a bitch"

Camila snorted out a laugh knowing that statement was completely untrue

"I mean it, I'll prove to you that you can trust me again" Cassie reached out and took hold of Camilas hand "I want us back to how we were"

Camila just nodded, knowing they had never been anything genuine to start with "I'll call you" She promised knowing she shouldn't but that she would. Cassie nodded as Camila gave a half hearted wave and then turned and walked through the park towards Shawn but leaving her so-called 'friend' behind

Cassie watched as Camila walked away, when she was far enough away she took her phone and dialled a number that had been saved in it by someone else's hands it took 3 rings before it was answered

"I'm back in her good books" Cassie promised, not sure if it was the truth "Just give me the word and I will
hi ave her where you want her"

The voice on the other side of the line issued a few more instructions and then the line went dead

"Get ready Shawn" Said Cassie as she fought to hold back her grin "I'm coming for you"

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