The End (Part 2)

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1 Week Later

"Okay, close your eyes!!!" Camila stood on her tip toes as she attempted to cover her much taller boyfriends eyes with her small hands

"Well I don't know if you've noticed this Camila but my eyes are still nearly swollen shut so even with them open I'm probably not going to be able to see whatever it is you don't want me to see"

"Black eyes are a cute look on you" She giggled "My tough guy with his tough guy wounds, very hot"

"Well I'm expecting you to prove how hot it is to me in like... 5 minutes?" He wiggled his eyebrows as Camila just frowned

"Later tough guy"

"There's no drama going on in here is there? Like Ethan doesn't have a welcome home cake and there aren't welcome home banners or any of that shit are there? Cos I'm really not a tea party type of guy"

"You forget, I know exactly what type of guy you are" his girlfriend replied whilst grabbing a handful of his ass and enjoying the way he moaned out loudly "Just play nice ok... if you want your reward later"

Turning the lock in the door, Camila again attempted to cover his eyes causing them both to stumble down the hallway laughing loudly at how clumsy they were being

"In here!" Shouted Ethan and Camila felt Shawn tense against her

"One hip hip hooray and I'm out of here" he whispered and Camila giggled again as she happily pushed him the final few steps into the living room of the apartment they shared with Shawns older brother

"Welcome home man" smiled Ethan as he took Shawn into a strong embrace which Shawn only half heartedly returned as he squinted his still injured eyes and tried to make sense of the banners that were scattered around the walls of the room

"What's going on?" He finally asked as he lifted a hand and touched the white fabric that had 'Goodbye Shawmila' scrawled over it in blue paint "What the fuck's a 'Shawmila' and where the fuck is it going?"

"It's us" said Camila proudly as she moved her hand between her and Shawns chests


"Our names splodged together. Shawn and Mila"

"Okay, I'll bite... where are we going exactly?"

Camila took a second to make eye contact with Ethan and he smiled as he patted his brothers back "It's awesome to have you home man, I'll just be in the kitchen, I think your girl has something she wants to tell you"

"You aren't pregnant are you?!" Asked Shawn whilst grimacing and lowering himself down onto the sofa "Because if you are..."

"No I'm not pregnant but don't act as though you wouldn't love a little you or little me running around here one day" Teased Camila as she sat gently on his lap and loved the way every one of her senses reacted to his scent and warmth

"I definitely do not want a little anyone running around... ever, I'd make a terrible father" Camila watched as his face darkened and he seemed to disappear into a world of his own and she wondered if it was memories of that day when he was five years old that were moving through him

"My news..." she said gently as she stroked his still bruised jawline "I um... I hope it's good news to you and not clingy, overbearing news that makes you want to break up with me"

"Nothing could make me want that" he said softly as he pushed his nose against her cheek and hummed happily at the way his chest immediately burned warm for her

"Good because first I want you to know that I was so scared when you got hurt" he nodded, remembering the way she had cried at his bedside after Varga and three others had beaten him to within an inch of his life "I thought maybe I would never get the chance to tell you something really important"

"And now you do so spit it out so I can take you to bed"

"I'm so in love with you Shawn" she giggled slightly as he let out a puff of air through his nose in surprise at her words "I just... I adore everything about you, even the things I maybe shouldn't but after everything we've been through together I just... I can't bare to think about losing you"

"You aren't going to lose me. Who would keep all those jerks away from you if I wasn't here?"

"I mean I can't bare to think about losing you for just a day or even an hour I just... I want to be with you all the time so I did something"

Shawn's eyebrows rose as Camila dipped her head "What did you do?"

"Promise you won't get mad?"

"No but even if I do get mad I'm in no physical state to do anything about it, I don't even think I could yell at you right now"

"Well that is good, that is very, very good"

"So come on..." he said whilst taking a shiny white button of her denim shirt between two fingers and toying with it "What did you do?"

"I might have rented us an apartment"

"An apartment where?"

"Next to the University of Florida"


"I know you're going to get in Shawn and I know you're going to have to leave I just... as the banners say I was kind of hoping I could leave with you"

"You're coming with me?"

"If you'll have me that is"

"I don't ever want to be without you" he admitted, ending his sentence with a laugh "But what about Ethan?"

"Ethan will be fine" came his brothers voice from the kitchen "in fact I will be more than fine because I will actually be able to get laid in the comfort of my own home instead of having to listen to you two go at it day and night"

"So what kind of apartment is it?" Asked Shawn, the corner of his mouth raising up in a smile at the thought of himself and Camila playing house together

"Oh my God Shawn you're going to love it, it's a loft apartment and it has these beautiful high ceilings and our room overlooks the campus and..." Camilas sentence was abruptly ended when a pair of soft lips landed on hers. Her eyelids fluttered shut immediately as her hands  reached into Shawns hair and pulled him as close to her as possible.

They didn't know how long they had been kissing by the time they pulled apart, all they knew was that they needed air but also that they needed each other just as much

"God I love you" whispered Shawn against her lips before kissing her tenderly, his hands cupping her face as his lips tried to speak every word he knew his voice could not.

Pulling away again Camila rested her forehead against his as she smiled widely "Say it again" she begged, raising her chin and kissing his plump bottom lip

"I love you" he repeated

"I love you more" she giggled before kissing him hard and letting her hands work their way over his cheeks and then down his throat where they smoothed over his hard chest

"Are you guys leaving yet because I think I'm going to be sick" Called Ethan

"If by 'leaving' you mean are we going to our room to 'go at it' then yes, we're leaving" replied Shawn as he moved Camila to her feet and then struggled to stand up, every injured part of him calling out in distress

"Do it loudly and there's no cake for you!"

"You said there was no cake" whisper yelled Shawn in Camilas ear

"He was so excited..."

"I don't do tea parties Camila!"

"Not even for me?" She pouted as Shawn rolled his eyes and then ducked his head to kiss her lips

"Anything for you" he conceded "Sex first Eth, cake later"

"I'll just be out here... on my own... with my headphones on... eating cake"

"I'll just be in my room, with Camila... eating..." Shawn replied, winking down at his girlfriend and then pulling her by the hand towards their bedroom

The End

*my least fav book I have ever written hence the rushed ending. Thank you for sticking with it though x

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