The Flowers

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10 days later

"Are you still not talking to me?" Asked Cassie as she slammed her bag down next to Camila and then slid onto the chair next to the small, brunette

The fast food restaurant was almost empty so Cassie could have chosen almost anywhere else to sit but instead she chose to sit with the girl who had barely spoken two words to her since she confessed to drinking and then having sex with Shawn, the guy Camila swore and declared to anyone that would listen that she hated more than she had hated anyone in her entire life

"I'm talking to you, I just have nothing to say to you"

"Because of Shawn?"

"Because you lied about Shawn" Cassies  jaw dropped loose as Camila popped a cherry tomato into her mouth and observed her 'friends' reaction

"And what is it I'm supposed to have lied about?" Cassie asked, doubling down on her falsehood

"That you had sex with him, I know you didn't by the way, I know he asked you over and got you drunk just to ask you questions about me and you answered them too, so much for loyalty between friends"

"Is that what he told you?!" Cassie argued back but Camila could tell it was the truth

"I don't like Shawn, but I at least thought you and I were at a point where we could tell each other the truth" Camila forced her fork through the dried up chicken breast that lay on her black, plastic plate and lifted an eyebrow at the blond girl with almost black eyes

"And I thought you knew me well enough to trust me more than some guy you  only just met"

"Well it's pretty sad that he's more trustworthy than you... right?" Camila pushed her barely touched plate into the middle of the table "for the record Shawn and I aren't together so you are free to do whatever, whenever you want with him but please, don't lie to me about it and don't involve me in it. I have enough shit going on in my life without you using me to get in the pants  of a guy that would probably drop them for you anyways"

Camila was just about to stand up when a shadow moved over them "ladies" said a masculine voice that caused them both to stop bickering and look up at the two boys that were now easing into the vacant seats next to them

"You don't mind if we sit here do you?" Asked a short, bulky boy with brown hair and Camila and Cassie looked at each other before shrugging

"I don't recognise you girls from school" said a tall red headed boy with bad skin

"We go to Aycliffe"

"Oh, we go to Newton"

"Newton hu? Asked Cassie, suddenly interested  in the conversation "Then you must know Shawn"

"Mendes? Yeah, who doesn't?" Said the red head suddenly not as confident as moments earlier

"How trustworthy is he?" Asked Cassie whilst never looking anywhere but at Camila

"Uh... I don't really want to talk about Shawn. Why don't we talk about you two girls instead?"

"Our favourite subject" said Camila seductively as the two guys smiled at each other suddenly more confident that they were about to strike it lucky with the two beautiful girls sitting across the table from them

"So what are your names? I'm Carl and this Jack" said the red head as he stole a cold fry from Camila discarded plate making her grimace at the action

"Cassie Kamares, it's Greek" stated Cassie proudly whilst growing an inch taller in her seat

"Greek? Wow, I love exotic girls" said Jack with a wink and Camila grimaced again, not impressed with either of these guys but it had been a while since she had any male attention... not since Shawn so she faked a smile and decided to go with it

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