The News

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Sitting with her feet up on the sofa, Camila looked across at Ethan who was sitting on the chair opposite with his EarPods in, tapping his foot along to something she couldn't hear and she found herself unable to fight the urge to smile

It was Monday evening and Shawn was due back soon and Camila hated to admit the way her stomach began to bubble with excitement every time she heard a noise at the front door

That weekend hadn't been anywhere near as terrible as she had thought it might be, Ethan had turned out to actually be pretty cool and they spent a lot of the time watching old tv shows that they found they had in common and ordering in take away.

Although she could have quite easily blown Shawns money on all kinds of extravagant things she had decided not to, realising he had probably worked damn hard to earn every cent and probably didn't have a lot of it where as she had done nothing more than exist to inherit a fortune, so whatever Ethan took from the envelope she had snuck back in and was happy to realise Shawns older brother had yet to realise the level of money had remained the same

"What time do you think he'll be back?" Camila asked whilst using her foot to nudge Ethan, asking the question again when he removed an AirPod to hear her

"He's usually back by now" Ethan replied after looking down at his watch and then picking up his phone to check for messages "Maybe the traffic was bad"

"Did he have far to travel?" She asked innocently but knew when Ethan narrowed his eyes that she had been found out

"He'll tell when he wants you to know if he ever wants you to know, don't expect any information from me"

"How come he's allowed secrets and I'm not?" She huffed as she threw herself back on the sofa

"Because your secrets apparently get you hurt and Shawn won't stand for that"

"Is this his weird way of dating me without asking me if I want to date him?!"

"No. If he wanted to date you he'd just ask you"

"So he doesn't want to date me?"

"Not that I know of" Pushing his AirPod back in to his ear, Ethan had just closed his eyes once more when his phone sounded loudly and his eyes snapped open as he grabbed it up

"Hey... hold on, hold on what?"

Camila sat up straight, concerned immediately by Ethan's change of demeanour

"Well where are you? Are the guys with you? And what did they say?"

Camila leaned forward on her seat, desperate to hear Shawns voice, desperate to know what had Ethan looking so concerned

"Shawn if they think... no I know that. No! I mean you have the car" suddenly Ethan eyes flicked to Camila and stayed on her as Shawn apparently continued to talk "Camila, do you have a car?"

"Back at my house"

"But it's yours? You have the keys?"

"Again, they are in my house. What's going on? What's wrong?"

"Okay. Okay. Give me the address and do not move" jumping up from the seat Ethan grabbed his house keys off of the coffee table and then grabbed hold of Camilas wrist

"Ready to sneak into your house and get your car keys?"

"Why do I have to sneak? Let's just go home and pick them up"

"You'll be safe? I can't protect you the way Shawn can and he'll kill me if you get hurt"

"I'll be fine... Is Shawn okay?"

" I guess we'll find that out when we get there" answered Ethan as he dragged Camila towards the front door, her heart beginning to hammer hard at the uncertainty of what was going on


"Camila?" Camila froze on the spot as her mother's voice echoed down the hallway

"Ignore her" warned Ethan as he placed his hands on Camilas shoulders and encouraged her to keep walking

"Mila, baby! We've been so worried" Maria's quickened footsteps hurried down the marble hallway towards her daughter

"Don't come near her" Warned Ethan, knowing he could do little more than use his voice as a threat. When it came to action, there was only one Mendes brother that could put his fists where his heart was.

"Mom I just want my car keys"

"Daddy bought you that car Camila"

"Is he home?!" Camila asked, quickly turning to face her mom

"He's at work"

"I just want to get my keys and we'll be out of here"

"Camila please don't leave. We need you here you're part of our family"

"And what is she to the old man?!" Asked Ethan, his voice sounding a hell of a lot more confident than he felt

"Roger passes on his apologies"

"Oh does he?!"

"He's mortified you got the wrong idea from his innocent gestures of affection"

"His what?!" Camila stopped so quickly Ethan walked into her back and then mumbled his apologies

"He honestly thought you would like the gift and he didn't realise you would be so offended by him wanting to make sure the dress was a good fit"

"Is that what he wanted to do? When he tried to get into that bathroom all he wanted was to make sure the dress was 'a good fit'?!" Camila didn't move, she dare not turn towards her mother, her temper was bubbling too close to the surface, her memory too filled with the truth to even have space to consider her mother's lies or the meaning behind them.

"Come home, Papá misses you"

"No" Camila said resolutely "I'm staying with Shawn"

"And this is... Shawn?"

"If I was Shawn you would already be calling for your husband to come and save you" said Ethan, the pride evident on his voice

"I want my car keys and if you don't want the police involved you will give them to me"

"You're destroying this family Camila. Your poor Papá doesn't deserve this"

"Any damage that is being done is because of you and your actions mom not mine"

"Roger won't walk away Camila. You owe him"

"No, you owe him! You owe him for everything and I refuse to be payment anymore now get me my keys or Ethan will tear this place apart until he finds them"

"They're in the dresser" Maria Cabello finally admitted her head dropping to her chest "I wish you wouldn't do this Camila, I wish you wouldn't start this war"

"I'm actually glad that she is" said Ethan as he snatched the keys Camila had just retrieved from the wooden dresser from her hands "Because my brother is never better than he is when he's at war"

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