The Beginning Of An Understanding

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Waking up, Camila reached an arm over the strange duvet cover and as her hand smoothed over the cold sheet she tried to replay the events on the previous evening in her mind but found each thought pushed her closer and closer towards the edge of a panic attack

Shawn has confronted Roger and for now he had seemingly backed off but he would be back and Camila had no doubt that when he did it would be the darkest of days for her she just hoped that when that day came she would still have Shawn towering over her, determined to protect her

Dropping down out of the bed, Camila padded across the cream carpet and placed her ear to the brown wood of Shawns bedroom door and tried to listen for voices but all she heard was silence

Pulling the door open she immediately froze as she came face to face with suitcases she knew to be her own

"Shawn? SHAWN!" Camila yelled but only a very sleepy looking Ethan appeared at the door to what Camila assumed was his bedroom

"You do everything loud hu?" Ethan said, letting her know that he had heard her and Shawns activities the night before and causing her cheeks to burn "He's at the gym so no matter how loud you yell he won't hear you"

"When'd he get my stuff?"

"We headed over there first thing"

"What did my parents say?"

"Your mom wasn't home" Camilas stomach churned knowing immediately where she would be "Your dad helped Shawn pack your stuff up, he's pretty much a doormat eh?" Camila nodded, knowing the effect Maria had on her dad over the years had turned him from a strong, proud Mexican man into just how Ethan has described him... nothing more than a shadow of himself... a doormat

"Anyways, Shawn will be back soon, I'm going to sleep"

"I guess I should get ready for school"

"He said to wait here and he'd drop you off"

"What am I? A hostage now? I can't leave the house without him?"

"Look Camila... this isn't my ideal situation either but my brother... he doesn't care about a lot of things, in fact I think his list might contain about 3 things right now, and for some reason you make the list which means he's gonna be a lot to deal with but he has a heart of gold when it comes to things he cares about, he won't let you down so please... have some respect for him and what he's trying to do for you. You don't want it? You really want to be left in whatever situation he found you in? Then fine, let me know and I'll talk him down and you can go on with your life but let me promise you something when Shawn is in he's all in, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you but when Shawn's out, you're dead to him and there is no coming back. Think about it and let me know" With that Ethan turned and headed back into his bedroom, slamming his door behind him as Camila began to drag her 2 black suitcases into Shawns bedroom and then search for something suitable to wear for school


"How're you feeling?" Shawn asked as he tapped his fingers nervously on his steering wheel and then tilted his head to the side to look at Camila


"Well I did keep you up most of the night" he said with a wink "You got your phone?"


"Any sign of anyone or anything you call me"


"I mean it Camila oh and um... you're going to need Ethan's number too, for when I'm out of town this weekend"

Camila spun in her seat to face him as his words caught 100 percent of her attention

"Where are you going?"

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