47. Hansy (Harry x Pansy)

29 2 1


I don't think this needs explanation. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! 

WHY? DOES? THIS? SHIP? EXIST????????????????????????

Let me state my reasons.  Firstly, Pansy is a jerk. She just is. She tried to hand Harry in to the death eaters. Now, I've read (terrible) fan fictions in which she regrets her actions and goes to apologize, and she ends up falling in love with Harry. the thing is, though, I can't really see Pansy as being the kind of person to regret her choices. 

Pansy is rude, bratty, she only cares about herself, and she was willing to let Harry die to save her own skin. How this ship came to exist, I have no idea. It may be the 47th most popular Harry Potter ship on Wattpad, but it should be the 100th. Or lower. 


No pros. 


1. Pansy is a jerk

2. JK Rowling herself said that she "loathes" Pansy Parkinson. 

3. Pansy deserves to die. She just does. 

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