Chapter one

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"you little shit" I look up from my phone to see three guys surrounded by a young boy but he didn't look right. he is a tannish color which and has no strips but then again he might not have gotten them yet. but his ears are rounded. I look to see he was scared and the men that surrounded him are getting ready to beat his ass. I hurry up over to them and I stand in front of the boy. "what is going on here" I say standing my ground. 

"move out the way whore" the man then tries to shove me and I take his arm and I twist it behind his back and the other guys come at me and I take care of them as well. I turn to see the boy was standing back shocked and smiles. I go over to him and I scan him with my pen which is much more than a pen it is also used as a detector for injury and he is fine. 

"what are you," I ask 

"I'm Morty smith I'm from dimension c-137 on a planet called earth im here with my grandpa it is my turn to pick the adventure but there hasn't been much of anything to do" 

"why were those guys picking on you," I ask 

"well I was looking for my grandpa when I went down this alley and I saw them robbing some guy I tried to stop them but it didn't work out." he rubs the back of his neck "can I repay you," he asks and I chuckle.

"yea if you could get me off this planet then that would be great" I smile there is then a burp and someone grabs Morty's hand and tries to drag him away I see it is another one of his kind Morty pulls away. 

"wait rick I found an adventure" the man looks at me not amused. 

"I told you, Morty, this is stupid there is nothing fascinating with this planet but no you don't listen to me," he says he seemed drunk and angry. 

"well, I found one r-rick look we just have to take her off this planet, and maybe she can settle a life on earth or something if she is so harmless." Morty crosses his arms and turns to me. "where can we find you" I was shocked and I give him the address to my job. 

"if you are serious I will have all my stuff ready and I will be here at five" I give him the small slip of paper with the address on it. I then walk off waving goodbye. it is too good to be true though they won't show up to get me I know that much. I walk into the store and I get the things I needed. when I leave the store I notice the pair were gone and off somewhere. I head to my very small apartment and I think it may be to go to be true but that doesn't mean I can prepare like it isn't. I put all my clothes in a pile along with some of the other things that I would need to bring with me to another planet. I get a small box out and I press the button after placing it on the pile and it sucks up all the stuff that is on the bed. this is a Mysruf box it sucks up all the stuff under it as long as you hold the button down and when you press it again it all comes back out and the box fits in the palm of your hand. once all the stuff is packed I go to the kitchen and I start to make something to eat before I have to get ready for work. 

I work for this pimp named Vasper he is a high-ranked pimp in the area and owns the club I work at he is supposed to be there tonight as a matter of fact he likes to sit and watch us dance and I hate his guts. he is the one who brought me off the streets and the contract I'm under has another five years but if I get off this planet then it wouldn't matter. I get dresses into a skimpy outfit which is a bra with a corset and panties with thigh-high socks and heels. I look at the time and I sigh. I get on pants and my lab coat and I head out with the box in my pocket. I head to the club called Foxxx. I go to my dressing room and I make sure to get ready the rest of the way by putting on light makeup and covering my strips. my skin is very pale pink and I have long red hair. I have blue strips that mean I am smart the color stripes represent what you are best at most here it is entertainment as most people in the media and such is pink to show that they are entertainers green means you are good with being children most teachers and mothers have this but blue is rare it only comes in people with levels of intellect over 2000 which is not heard of that often at first I didn't cover up my strips but then Vasper told me he got complaints of them and so I have to cover them up. I look at myself and I felt gross. there is a knock on the door and I glance over and I don't answer before Vasper comes in and puts his hand on my shoulder he sniffs my hair and smiles. 

"you smell lovely my dear I can't wait to see you perform tonight I will be seeing you afterward" he then stands and leaves and I sit there frozen I tear up and I try to shake it off. I get up and I head towards the stage and the music starts and I get on the pole swinging my hip and I twirl around the pole. I glance to see it was the two who said they come and the boy looks absolutely shocked and is blushing like crazy. I watch as they go over and talk to Vasper. I do a quick dip of my hips and I hurry back up. I hear a whistle and I look over and Vasper signals me over. I walk over and I wait for instruction. 

"Hello, pet these gentlemen have made a glorious offer they will get you for twenty-four hours in exchange for a very nice weapon come here. I go over to him and he makes me sit on his lap and I freeze he places his hand on my rear and I tear up. 

"woah hey t-that's not really okay to touch a girl like that" Morty says nervously 

"it's fine she doesn't care isn't that right sweetheart" I nod tears running down my face. there is then a cock of a gun and I look to see the man that Morty was withholding a gun to Vasper's head more guns are drawn and Morty starts to panic and the man grabs me. 

"run Morty" he yells and we start to run and we hide behind a table as a shoot out ensues. "damnit Morty this is just great how do you think this adventure is going Morty it's going just smoothly shit" then man then stops shooting and crouches down his arm having been shot. I take the gun from his hand and I start to shoot killing about five of the men. 

"come on" I run and they follow me we end up in the dressing room and I lock the door and I get dressed in my pants and lab coat. Rick opens a portal and tries to get Morty to go through. 

"no rick we can't leave her" Morty shout 

"We don't have time for this shit Morty" the door burst open and the portal disappears and a new one appears and we run through it and so does the men following us we are now on a planet the sky is grey and there are wired animals all over the place. we take cover behind a bush and rick hands us each a gun. "if she is going with us then she needs to help get these guys off our backs" 

"We can't leave this w-w-we'll die oh geez rick this isn't good." 

"you don't think I know that Morty you don't think I know how fucked we are Morty" I take out a mirror from my pocket and flip the gun and I start to shoot taking out three of the ten. 

"Stop arguing and shoot" I jump out and I slide shooting the gun as I go hitting two more but not killing them I end up behind another bush. I signal for them to follow and they rush overshooting rick opens another portal and we jump in but Vasper follows us it was just him now we are now in a small fantasy village-looking town and we run into a bar hiding. 

"The fuck did you learn to do that" Rick shouts. 

"I used to be in the military" I frown. 

"woah r-really what did you rank" 

"I made the weapons and tested them I also had some combat training from one of the highest ranks in the military" I sit at a table "let's just try to blend in"

they sit with me and I see Vasper walking around outside. "he is going to find us" Morty worries "oh god what did I get us into" he slams his head on the table. a waitress comes over and we send her off. 

"look if you guys want to go on without me I understand," I say looking down at the table rick gets up. 

"sure thing" Morty then stops him. 

"what no we can't just leave her that guy is still out there and we wouldn't be in this if you hadn't drawn your gun rick why did you do that" Morty yells. 

"oh it's my fault that rich m-urp-Morty I'm not the one who owes a debt to a super more solid stripper," he yells 

"well this is my adventure rick and the rule is I say what goes remember" Morty then points a gun at rick. 

"you're a real piece of shit you know that Morty" rick yells then the door to the bar slams open and Vasper comes in I look over and I freeze terrified. Morty yells and shoots him in the foot before grabbing my hand and rick opening a portal and we all go through it as Vasper shoots us through it we take cover landing on a rock hard ground and the portal closes. there is a small silence and then a door slams open.

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