Chapter two

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I sit up and I look to see a woman with blond hair and she looked very pretty and was young. "what the hell is going on here" she shouts. 

"mom I need your help, this is um" 

"Janis" I mutter 

"Janis and she saved me from this group of guys and I wanted to help her in return and she needed to get away from this overlord pimp dude and so I and grandpa saved her but now she has nowhere to go and I was wondering if she could stay here," Morty says trying to convince the woman who I assume to be his mother, 

"I don't know Morty I mean do you even really know her plus I don't like the thought of an alien living in my house" 

"she can help out around the house you know with dad gone and all you said it yourself yesterday that you wish someone would help you with the house" 

"yes but that was directed at you and summer to help out around the house" the woman crosses her arms. she looks at me up and down. "what job experiences have you had" 

"well I was a renowned scientist and I tried to cure my mother's illness but she died and my father was in a secret alliance with this mafia and he traded me in for his life and they used me to make weapons and used me as a medical personal for many years until they sold me on the black market to a military general that used me to make even more weapons and I have had military training but then I was released and homeless for a few years until I was contracted by this Pimp names Vasper but now I am unemployed" there was a brief silence. 

"so you are a scientist," she asks 


"I don't really want any more Sifi stuff to go on around this house I already get enough of that from my father" she crosses her arms. 

"I wouldn't mind helping Morty with homework and school if this planet has that" I smile she thinks about it for a minute and sighs. 

"fine but you have to do the housework you can be a live in maid how does that sound" 

"that would be lovely thank you" I smile another girl comes into the garage she looked younger than Morty's mother but older than Morty she gives us a blank stare and rolls her eyes before heading back inside. 

"I'm beth by the way and that was my daughter summer let me show you to the room you will be staying in." we walk into the house and we enter into the kitchen and there is a small dining area in the back and then another dining room but bigger threw a door but if you go through the small dining area there is the living room. there is also an entryway with stairs and then a hallway with two doors to the left was going to be my room. I walk in and there is nothing in the room. "we have an air mattress you can use for the time being" beth smiles going to a closet to get it. I take the box out of my pocket and I press the button and everything appears in the room. beth comes back with the air mattress and stops shocked. "oh my this is a bit of a mess" 

"I'll clean it and I'll start on dinner in a minute" I smile 

"oh okay then well come get us when it's done" she smiles helping me start the air mattress. I clean up everything within an hour and I head to the kitchen and I look around for something to make I get a cookbook out and I notice we have everything to make the meat is frozen so I use a quick machine I have from my room that can unfreeze things and freeze then honestly it's just a freeze gun. I use this to thaw out the meat and I start to cook the T bone steak and I start to make mashed potatoes and then homemade gravy and corn on the cob. I rush around the kitchen making sure everything is ready for dinner. I made the steaks medium-rare or whatever that means. once everything is finished I get the table set and I make everyone their plates. I go around and tell everyone dinner is ready and they come in and beth seemed pleasantly surprised. Summer and Morty sat together and I sat next to rick and beth sit at the end next to Rick and Morty. 

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