Chapter three

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it has been almost three months and everything is going great lately I have been sleeping okay the nightmares seem to have subsided for now and I have been getting a lot of housework done. right now Morty and summer are at school and beth is at work giving me time to get things done. I bought myself an apron for when I cook due to how messy things can get and at the moment I am taking a cake out of the oven. I put it on the counter to cool and I hear banging from the garage. something happened to Rick's car ship thing and he has been making repairs and modifications to it. I take the apron off and I go into the garage to see he has his head in the hood doing something he is only wearing a tank top and is filthy at the moment. I look over and he is doing something to the engine it is currently open and I look at the board to see he is using a pretty powerful chemical. I look back down and my brain starts to do calculations. "y-you know if you used Florzone to the engine it will make the car run smoother and you will have to use less gas." he stands up straight startled and hits his head on the hood. I back away knowing I'm about to get yelled at. 

"Jesus do you have to s-urp-sneak up like that" he glares at me "and no it won't how the fuck do you even know what that is" he snaps. 

"well I've been studying is all and actually it would you see" I then go to clear space on the board and I show him my math on why it could work, "all you have to do is add Cracon with it and it helps I made a car when I was younger it was a toy car for some kid but it should work with a real car" I back away and I glance over at him and he was staring at the boring thinking. "so" 

"dumb luck" he grumbles "I'll go get Morty" he starts to open a portal. 

"wait he needs to stay in school today he has that test and if he fails which he won't if he uses the pen but he won't have a chance if you take him out of school. I can go with you" I smile he scuffs 

"Sorry but I don't take chicks on adventures" 

"well, why not I'm just as capable as you are" I cross my arms. he rolls his eyes. 

"I don't expect a feeble mind like yours to understand but if you want to try and prove a point don't let me stop you just so you know if you get left behind it's not my problem" he opens a portal and I follow him threw it. we end up on planet Florp just outside the mines. there are guards at the entrance. I grab goggles from my lab coat and I take a screwdriver from ricks pocket and I start to modify the goggles. "the fuck are you doing" 

"making us invisible" I put the goggles on and I turn it on. "did it work" he frowns and grabs the other pair and puts them on turning them on I can still see him but it grants the power to see others invisible so I can't tell if he is being sarcastic and making fun of me or if it actually worked. but he starts to just walts into the mines with no problem so I follow we walk for a little while and we make it to the rocks. rick starts grabbing them and I follow his lead. 

"This seems almost too easy" he chuckles

"don't jinx us" there is then a growl and we freeze, I glance over to see a creature with sharp teeth and two heads and eight eyes. it is blue and yellow and is drooling. I am frozen in shock but I'm pulled out of that state when rick drags me and we start running and it chases us. "what the hell rick it can't see us"

"it has infored you dumbass" I then pick up my feet and we rush out the monster following us. I take out my lipstick. "this is not the time for makeup" I press the button and it turns into a huge gun. I throw an extra lipstick at him. 

"press the button on the bottom" I start to shoot the monster and it slows down it swipes its claws at us and I duck and rick shoots a laser through its hand and it roars with agony. we start to run once again. he shoots a portal and we hop through it and land in the garage. the portal closes and we take the goggles off and I look at him and he smiles. 

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