Chapter six

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"I will be gone for a few days dad you are in charge but I don't want there to be any adventures while I'm gone if I find out you guys did an adventure then no more for a whole month" beth warns 

"you drive a hard bargain beth but I promise no adventures while you are gone" rick holds his hand up as to say scouts honor. beth hugs summer and Morty and then leave once she was out of sight summer went to her phone calling people to come over and we all go inside and set up for the party. within an hour people are rolling in as well as other beings from other worlds. there was loud music and people are all over the place. right now I'm standing at the food table not really sure what to do. Summer comes over and looks around with me getting a beer and drinking it. 

"Why don't you socialize," she asks 

"I'm not really good around new people" I shrug she rolls her eyes and leads me over to a group of girls. 

"Charlie, Heather this is Janis she is from another planet" the two girls seemed impressed. 

"so are you a demon from another planet" 

"no why does everyone think that I don't even have horns" I shake my head "I am a scientist" 

"What kinds of things did you invent" 

"weapons and medicine" I felt awkward the party was getting kinda lame. 

"Hey, we should play spin the bottle" Heather suggests "summer go rally people up" summer reluctantly does this I see her talking to rick and he blows her off she comes over to me. 

"so you gonna play," summer asks 

"what is spin the bottle," I ask 

"it's a makeout game you spin the bottle and whoever spun it kisses whoever it lands on then it's the next persons turn" she explains "some cute boys are playing I even got Scott to play" she points to a boy who was tan and has blonde hair and kinda looks like a fuckboy. 

"he is a little young" 

"half the people in here are way younger than you anyways" summer rolls her eyes "come on what's the worse that can happen you don't even have to kiss on the lips," I think about it for a minute. 

"Okay, I guess" I shrug rick comes over. 

"w-urp-we can use this bottle" he sits on the ground and a circle is made. 

"What happened to this game is stupid and it's for inferior pieces of shit grandpa rick" 

"fuck you summer are we going to play or not" there was a nice-sized circle and some aline spins the bottle and it lands on another guy and they kiss. the game keeps going and it never landed on me which I was secretly happy about. it almost landed on me several times though. it comes to rick and he spins and mutters something into his watch and it lands on me. I felt my cheeks heat up he leans in and kisses my forehead and there are some boos. he rolls his eyes taking a sip from his flask. the game goes on and it comes to my turn and I spin and it lands on Rick. I lean over and kiss his cheek and boos are heard again. after a few more rounds it ends I decide to head off to the drinks I try to find anything that wasn't alcohol. I was also trying to avoid rick every time it was mine or his turn it only made us land on each other. "you s-urp-should let loose" I turn to see rick taking a long gulp of some drink. 

"n-no I'm okay" I back away 

"you good" he smirks "you seem a little flustered" I playfully punch his arm and he lets out a chuckle "come on letting loose here" he grabs a red party cup and pours whatever was in his flask into the cup. "this is my own special drink mix it will get a normal person shit faced just with one cup so drink it slowly." he hands me the cup and I take a sip and I start to cough which makes rick laugh the drink was strong and burned going down my throat. a song comes on and rick rushes off to dance. I stand in the corner not really wanting to dance. 

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