chapter eight

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it was early and I was eating by myself, Morty and summer are out at school and beth is at work. rick is off somewhere doing something and I was just sitting here alone. a hear a portal opens and I look over to see two ricks? they are wearing fancy outfits that looked military grade. "are you Janis c-137" I stare at them for a minute confused. 

"Ummm yeah" they come over to me and put my hands behind my back and cuff me. "woah rick what the hell" 

"you are under arrest for being a threat to all rick kind" another portal opens and I notice the door that leads to the garage open and my rick walking out shocked but I am pushed through the portal before he could do anything and we end up in a place filled with ricks and mortys. I was shocked there was even such a thing. 

"What is this place" 

"it is the citadel of ricks. ricks and mortys from different dimensions and universes gather here to team up and get away from the government" one of the ricks say I think for a minute. 

"that's fucking dumb" I mutter a gun is pointed at my head. 

"The fuck did you say" I freeze this was bad really bad we get taken to a bigger building where about seven ricks with different hairstyles stood waiting I am shoved in front of them. 

"Janis C-137 you are here for being a threat to all rick kind" one of the ricks speak. 

"may I ask how" a hologram pops up and there is an image of me and a number? 

"This is your IQ it is the same as all ricks which should be impossible this poses a threat" 

"so you are intimidated" I scuff 


"oh sorry for deflating your ego with intelligence I'm sorry but how the hell does this pose an actual threat I haven't been hostile to any rick or mortys what proof do you have of me being a danger" there is a moment of silence. "see you don't have one" I scuff "can I go now because this is stupid this whole thing is stupid I mean if you hate the government so much then why the hell would you make a whole new one it's hypocritical and it's obvious that there are ranks just like any other society which also dumb if you all have the same IQ" 

"enough this is an act of terroristic ability therefore you are sentenced to prison" 

"why not kill me" 

"because we all know it wouldn't work" I am then being pulled by two ricks and I start to fight they drag me to a cell and throws me in and presses a button and I am trapped. I was still cuffed but that wasn't a problem because I broke out of them in a few minutes. I sit in the cell annoyed. I have two Morty's guarding me which was wired. 

"Should you guys be in school" 

"We don't have families or schools to go to we are only guided by our rick" 

"Are you serious" they look at each other and nod I groan and I lay back. "could you guys at least get me some food I was in the middle of eating and those assholes just dragged me off" 

"We shouldn't negotiate with you," one of the mortys say. I sigh and I take out a pen which doubles as a katana. 

"look if you go get me food I'll give you this" they glance over and their eyes widen. 

"where did you get that" 

"I made it want to see what it can do," I ask and they seem hesitant but nod. I press a button that changes my outfit into a kimono with other variant weapons in the pockets after I was done showing it off to really impressed Morty's they start to argue about who will get my food but they decide to split the prize and rushes off to get me food. I make the pen become a pen again when I hear a rick coming. 

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