Chapter five

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I wake up and I felt safe last night my dream went off the rails it started how it always does but rick showed up as he has been and he lead the dream in a totally different direction. I take the chip out of my ear and I place it on the nightstand. I go to the kitchen and I make some eggs and bacon with chocolate muffins. today is going to be normally filled with cleaning I have to go to the store though so there is something to look forward to. as I am making the table everyone starts to wake up and come in to eat. "so I was thinking and I'm going to be taking a small trip" beth starts. 

"where," summer asks half caring. 

"to Hawaii but it will just be me" everyone else groaned and complained. I didn't know what was so appealing about Hawaii but it must be a nice place. "hey stop it I'm going to clear my head it will only be for a weekend but your father is busy as well so dad could you please keep an eye on things while I'm gone my plane leaves tomorrow" 

"sure thing sweetie everything will be completely fine while you are g-urp-gone" rick assures and beth seemed pleased by this and she goes to finish getting ready for work. once she leaves rick leans in. "who's ready to tear shit up" 

"oh hell yea" summer smirks 

"Are you sure guys I mean last time we really fucked things up" Morty worries 

"don't be a buzzkill, Morty, I'll invite everyone if you get the supplies" summer remarks and rick agrees, I was lost on what they are going on about but I decide to leave myself out of it. the bus pulls up and the kids leave for school and not too soon later beth left for work. as I am washing the dishes rick comes in. 

"you needed to go to the store right," he asks getting a beer out of the fridge. 

"yeah I was going to leave here in a little bit why did you want me to get you something," I ask 

"I'll just come with you" he then guzzles down a beer. I head to my room and I get dressed in a black shirt and shorts with fishnets and boots. I brush through my hair it goes down to my butt almost I decided to braid it. once I was ready I go to the garage and I wait for rick he gets into the driver's seat of the ship and we go to a local Walmart. I get strange looks every time I go out but it doesn't bother me as much anymore. I head around the store getting what I need and rick follows along he does go off at one point to get stuff for what he tells me is a party. when we check out the manager comes up to us and rick uses his ID to buy the drinks. we manage to leave without any problem but this is rare I usually get someone saying I look wired or to go back to hell I find people think I'm a demon which is somehow easier to come to terms with than a peaceful aline. we make our way home and I put everything away. rick is going through everything and groans. "this isn't enough we have to go back out" 


"yea I still have a lot of shit I need for this party if it's going to be off the rail and the places we're going Morty isn't allowed." 


"minor" he drags me to the ship and we make our way into space. the last time we went on an adventure was when we got the stuff for the car. there is an awkward silence so rick turns on the radio and we listen to interdimensional songs. it was okay I didn't pay much attention we land on a planet and head into a store. this time I follow rick around we go up and down the isles and he starts to get frustrated. "the fuck" 


"There isn't any booze here this place used to sell this thing called Higouh and I use it to make this cocktail but there isn't anything" he storms over to a worker I hurry for him but it is too late. "hey where is the fuck is t-urp-the booze" the worker smiles and puts her hand on her hip. 

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