Chapter four (TRIGGER WARNING)

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I lay in bed looking at the ceiling. for two weeks that same reoccurring dream has been haunting me. I am drained of energy and let's just say I have been in such a dark place that my wrist has seen better days. I cut them yesterday while everyone was asleep. it is late and Morty and summer are at Jerry's for the weekend. I sit up and go to the kitchen and look around it is a mess the whole house is a bit of a mess because I haven't been up to cleaning it. I start to clean slowly and beth comes in and goes to the fridge I still haven't made dinner. "hey Janis can I talk to you for a minute" Beth asks 

"y-yea what is it" 

"well I've noticed the house is a little disheveled not to put pressure on you but we did have a deal that you can stay here if you do housework and" 

"I'm sorry beth I'll get right on it"  I frown I try to clean faster I reach for some cleaning supplies and my sleeve goes down. 

"oh god what happened to your arm," she asks grabbing my arm and I hiss it hurt like hell. "Janis this is going to get infected" 

"I know I'll take care of it don't worry" I pull away and I start to sweep the floor trying to stop this conversation from happening. 

"Are you okay what's going on" 

"nothing I just haven't slept all that good I keep having this dream and it's more like a memory and it is just so vivid and it never seems to stop." 

"What happens in it" 

"just this guy he does some bad things I don't want to go into it" there is then a long silence  

"come on my dad might have something" she goes to the garage where rick is working.

"out" he snaps not knowing who it was. 

"dad I need your help" beth asks "is there anything you can do about nightmares," she asks 


"well is there a way you can go into someone's dream and stop the nightmare from happening"

"like that movie inception why what are you dreaming" 

"oh it's not for me it's for Janis" rick looks at me and frowns. "please dad it would help her out a lot and if not for her then do it for me" beth begs. 

"fine" he groans "just come to get me before you go to bed" he goes back to work and I head back into the house to clean. Beth decided to order Chinese food for dinner. I was halfway done cleaning when the food comes and we sit down to eat. it was silent and rick was working on some type of robot at the table I just recently learned how to use chopsticks and I wasn't that good at it yet so I made a bit of a mess. once dinner was over I start to clean up and rick comes over to me I didn't really register what he was doing until he grabbed my arm and pulled up the sleeve. I pull my hand away and he seemed very displeased. "come on" he grumbles I follow him to the garage and he gets out a homemade first aid and he sprays the cuts with something. I sit down I yank my arm away out of pain. "it's your own fault you're the one who decided to do this dumbass." my arm goes numb. "why aren't the nanites working" he asks I told him about the medical provider and why I am still young and have lived for so long. 

my mom was dying and I was trying everything to keep her alive but she died before I got to test the product I was in such a dark place that I did the experiment on myself and I died or I should have but it worked and now my blood is filled with nanites and to keep them powered I have to sleep but I haven't slept in three days which was wearing me down. "I haven't slept" 

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