A/N (very important)

183 3 0

So I have noticed that this story has gained alot of readings and I just want to say thank you all who have read. I will be either continuing this story or making a re-vamp with the samish backstory for the oc and plot line of the story because in the span of this year my family and I were kicked out due to where we were living changing the complexes from income based to something else and when our lease was up (which happened to be march tenth and it was like the first when they told us this ) we had like ten days to get out and we moved back to our home state where our family and friends where. We then stayed in a hotel for months and moved into a trailer in like late june early july i believe. And while i was packing i had to do a huge get rid of and i had to pack my siblings things as well because they have a problem with getting rid of things due to emotional attachment and anxiety and somewhere in all this chaos i lost the plot out line to this story as well as others.

I also have very bad mental health and for all of august i went into a very deep depression due to running out of medication and having to jump through hoops to get any mental health care outside of hospital and facility but im going to be getting said help soon and will be on a track of getting better my depression is 10 times better and i finally am up for writing.

For this story(and some others) i will be continuing after reading it through to get a feel for the plot, OR revamping it with same oc premise and similar story.

Im sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and I thank you all for the reads and votes.

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