Twelfth Door

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Since Alcina had left, Clementine was the only one left in the room. It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and she needed something to occupy her time. She's just finished four movies and is now bored. She went to the bookshelves and looked through the books. A book with a red leather cover caught her eye, so she took it. Her eyes widened as she opened the book; it was Alcina's journal.

She looked around the room trying to see if anyone was around. "Who am I kidding? I'm alone here," she laughed. "Besides, she told me I could use everything in here."

She opened the journal reading the first page.

January 14th,

Once again, I had to fend off that fool Heisenberg and me in front of Mother Miranda. So that we could get along, she ordered us to remain in her manor for a month. Nothing. It got amazing. Everything began to deteriorate after every time we saw each other and the whole argument infuriated, Mother Miranda. She just opted to permit our daily affairs, which is a smart approach. My desire to be somewhere else entirely prevents me from being in the same room as that fool, who has a huge ego and is essentially a large, weightless, subatomic particle.

Clementine laughed as she read the entry. "I don't understand what she said at the last part. But it's still funny."

She randomly opened a page once more and read the entry.

April 24th,

Mother Miranda and I were talking about the girls regaining their flesh so that the cold won't affect them anymore. Her news made me very happy, but the process of making the serum will take well over a year. She also informed me that she was searching for a place where Irish might be. I can feel her crossing over the barrier where the other world is located just to find Irish and be with her again. I find it very funny and a little scary to see how people will go to such extremes just for love. I wonder if I'll be able to recapture that same sense of wonder. I haven't seen him in a decade, so hopefully he's happy that's all I wish for him.

Clementine pursed her lips. "So that's the reason why the windows need to be closed all the time," she nodded her head. "I have the same feels as you, Lady Dimitrescu. Hopefully I can feel love again," a sigh escaped her lips as she remembers Dylan.

She suddenly raised her eyebrow when realization hit her. "Thinking about that bastard. I haven't thought of him ever since I got here," a smile formed on her lips. "Maybe because I was too busy but who cares atleast I don't remember the pain he caused."

She randomly opened another chapter and read it again but her jaw dropped as she saw her name on the note. 

It's been too long since I last wrote,

It's been a week since Clementine first came to serve us. She was a fantastic cook and seamstress, and she did a fantastic job on the uniforms, which really astonished me. I like how she grins; she's a charmer, and I believe Daniela likes her, but not for Cassandra and Daniela. Donna arrived the other day and is currently residing at the castle while my servants tidy her estate. I really should offer her my extra servants, but they're all still being fed in the cellar. I spotted Donna and Clementine alone in the kitchen today. I was irritated for a moment when I saw them kneeling on the floor as their hands met trying to pick up the handkerchief that fell. Angie had wounded her skin after the flour incident, which made me very concerned. I felt terrible, so I offered to assist her, but Donna had gotten ahead of me. I was furious because she had already placed a handkerchief around Clementine's arm. Since I'm in charge of her, I should be the one to do it. What irritated me the most was her desire to continue cooking breakfast despite her injured arm. Instead of damaging things, I rushed out of the kitchen and went to the art room to paint, and she found me there bringing me food since Daniela commanded her to. For a little period, I felt soft for a moment and repaired her wound; thankfully, it wasn't too deep and healed quickly.

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