Forty-Fourth Door

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Alcina glanced at the signed documents in front of her, relieved that after two days with Anna, the paperwork had finally been signed, and she could finally stop seeing her. She attempted to stand up from her chair, but Anna entered the room with two wine glasses and wine in her hands, having opened the door to her study.

"Why did you get wine without my permission?" Alcina inquired, agitated. "You can't just go and take whatever's not yours."

"I'm hoping we can celebrate our partnership's success with a few drinks?" She said while setting two glasses and the wine on the table.

Alcina rolled her eyes as Anna leaned forward on the table to open the bottle, making sure Alcina realize she had unbuttoned three buttons on her shirt.

"I'm not drinking today," Alcina remarked, pushing the glass away.

"Just one drink, Alci," Anna said, biting her lower lip. "Are you now refusing me?"

She sneered. "I'm not sure Clementine would approve of my drinking."

"How come you're so worried about her?" She rolled her eyes and frowned. "Because she's the daughter of Mother Miranda? Is that it?" Her arms were crossed. "You're not obligated to obey her directions, right? You've spent nearly your entire life serving her, so why not do something you've always wanted to do?"

She cocked her head. "Are you questioning me?"

"Since the beginning, I've been questioning you. You're aware of this, Alcina. You and I shared times back then, and I know you better than anyone else."

"That was then, now is different. The world revolves around to go forward, I can't be stuck on the same page while the others are already on their different chapters."

Her lips were pursed. "Why do I get the impression you're not happy to see me? You've been doing it since yesterday, but I ignored it because I've been sorely missing you."

"Because I'm not happy seeing you here," she said flatly, her face devoid of emotion. "Everything is strictly business-related, as I already stated. So, if you'll pardon me, I must depart, and you should return to your hotel, Annais," she stated authoritatively.

Alcina got out of her seat and walked about with a folder full of documents in her hands. Anna trailed behind her as she walked out of the room.

While glancing at the letter written on the back of the photo, Clementine felt numb. She isn't sure how she feels right now, but she is certain that Anna and Annais are the same person. She hung the photo back up on the wall and took a long breath; she needed to talk to Alcina right now or else she'd lose her mind overthinking things. She exited the study and switched out the lights; but, before she could even walk towards the stairwell, she heard heels clicking, and those heels were only coming from one person. She froze as she heard Alcina and Anna's shouts, forcing her to cover behind a column to listen in.

"Damnit, Alcina Don't just turn your back on me and walk away!" Anna screamed.

"And who are you that I should be paying attention to?" Alcina continued to gaze away from her.

"What?" Anna's brows drew together. "What exactly do you mean by ‘who am I?’ Are you oblivious to the fact that we exist? We had something before I left. Didn't I promise you that I'd return and marry you?"

Alcina burst out laughing. "That was a couple of years ago. You made a promise to me, but you didn't keep it; don't you think I'm unaware? You got married, divorced, and now you want to come back to me? Annais, you're so funny. I was prepared to wait for you, but what can I say? Promises were made to be broken, and fate and destiny had other plans in store for me."

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