• Chapter 20 •

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(3rd Person POV)

Schlatt walked up to the stand and tapped on the microphone two times, then he cleared his throat.

"Y'know, I do like to make fun of Tubbo for all the shit he does wrong. I mean, be fucks up alot. We all do. But at the end of the day, Tubbo is the one who made this entire festival happen! He built and decorated all this beautiful stuff. And I don't know if we'd be here today without him. Now, without furthur ado, I'll put big man Tubbo, my right hand man, my protegee up on the mic."

Everyone started clapping. "You never call me big man." Tommy complained to Wilbur.

"Shut up child."


"Shush!" Sally stopped him before he could yell and blow their cover.

Tubbo walked up to the mic. Everyone clapped and Techno cheered "Woo, state secrets!" He yelled in his monotone voice. Schlatt's eyes widened "No! Tubbo do not give away any state secrets! If you do, you're done!" Tubbo laughed nervously and reassured that he will not.

"Bruhh, bet you don't even have state secrets. Lame." Techno rolled his eyes. "Tubbo's about to give his speech. Please quiet the fuck down and let him talk." Schlatt smiled and said through gritted teeth. I quietly giggle at how angry Schlatt was.

Tubbo cleared his throat. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. A wise man once told me that Manberg was like lettuce. There's so many layers of tasty and healthy goodness, and once you wash all the worms and caterpillars off the surface. It's a pretty damn good meal." Tubbo stopped for a moment and continued again

"Schlatt has washed all the caterpillars and bugs off our great nation. And with that, he's allowed the goodness and tastiness to shine through. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to look around at everything that we built. All of this, thanks to President JSchlatt."

Everyone clapped as Tubbo breifly paused.

"Our people have been beaten down by rulers and dictators for so long, and now we're finally free. Free to elect who we want, free to live how we want, and most importantly, free to go wherever we want without the confines of those huge black walls."

Wilbur was visibly irritated at some of the words that came out of Tubbo's mouth, so Sally put her arm around his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. He sighed and seemed to have calmed down a little.

"So with that in mind, I'd like to thank you everybody for coming to this wonderful event...."

Tubbo trailed off when Schlatt started laughing. "What's wrong Schlatt?" Tubbo asked him with a nervous smile. "No nothing just. Continue the speech. You have anything else to say, Big Man?"

"Well uh, let the festival begin!" He yelled out with a smile.

Sally looked at Wilbur, to see that he wasn't doing anything. He was still watching the events on the podium. "Wilby?" Sally asked. He didn't respond.

"So you're done with the speech?" Tubbo nodded his head. "Alrigh then. Punz, your cue." Then Punz walked up to the podium and retreived a big cage that no one noticed before and put the cage on Tubbo. Tubbo was now trapped in a cage with no exit. There was just one spot that didn't have any bars and it took the shape of a square.

Everyone was confused. "What the fuck is he doing?" Wilbur asked. "We like to have fun around here." Schlatt said with a sadistic smile.

"Schlatt I... Can't get out?" Schlatt shook his head and laughed. "Tubbo, Tubbo, Tubbo."

"I know what you've been up to."

The Pogtopian's eyes widened, as did Tubbo's. "He doesn't. He couldn't. How?" Wilbur asked.

"W-What have I been up to?" Tubbo pretended to know nothing. Schlatt just laughed again. "What have I been up to, he says!" He mockingly imitated Tubbo's voice.

"Y-You've been conspiring w-with the TYRANTS that we kicked out of this country! Tubbo, I don't you know this, but TREASON isn't a respectable thing around here. Do you know what happens to traitors, Tubbo?"

Tubbo shook his head "N-No..." Schlatt stared at the terrified boy, his eyes held no remorse, no mercy, nothing. Just pure hatred. "Nothing good." He answered.

Sally took out her crossbow and so did Tommy. "Hold your fire. But be ready." Wilbur commanded them.

Then Schlatt turned to someone in the crowd "Techno! D'You wanna come up here for a few seconds? I just wanna send a message real quick." Then he turned back to Tubbo and laughed "Tubbo in a box. What'lll he do?"

"He doesn't know that Techno's with us." Wilbur muttered audibly.

Techno stood up from his chair and walked up on the podium. "What do you want, Schlatt?" He asked in his monotone voice.

Tubbo was getting desperate "Schlatt, I can't get out. P-Please let me out. Please-"

Tubbo's pleas were cut off "Tubbo, as an enemy of state." Schlatt laughed. "Technoblade, please, if you would be so kind.."

"What are you asking, Schlatt?"

"Take care of him." Sally got chills.

"Do you want me to get him some breakfast? Get him some nice clothes? What do you mean by 'take care of him?'" Techno stalled.

"Yeah, maybe show him a five course fucking dinner." Schlatt joked, though he found no humor in this situation. It's clear that he's irritated.

"He won't. No. He's with us. He's on our side. He wouldn't." Wilbur muttered to himdelf. "I hope your right..." Sally said quietly.

"What's wrong. Ain't 'ya hungry, Tubs?" Quackity sneered at Tubbo. "Tubbo you're very hungry.." Techno was still stalling.

The voices were now screaming 'PROTECT TUBBO'

So that's exactly what Techno did. "Let him out of there and we can go."

"Techno, we're kinda running on a late schedule so-" "Cut to the chase. What do you want from me, Schlatt?"

"Well, I only call you in for special favors so..." Tubbo felt a buzz from his pocket. Text from Wilbur.

'He won't hurt you.'

Tubbo wanted to believe him. But something inside him made him doubt Wilbur's words.

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