♥ Chapter 32 ♥

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(3rd Person POV)

"Tubbo, I'd like you to come up to the stage."

This surprised everyone, even Tubbo. Some people stared in envy as Tubbo walked up the podium. Some, like Niki, were very proud of the boy. Some people really just didn't care.

But Sally was concerned. Giving the role of president of a country to a greiving boy is a good idea? Not to mention the fact that he's a kid. He's 17 years old.

Well, giving the president role to Tommy is way worse than giving it to Tubbo. It's still not all that better.

While, Tubbo is more responsible and serious than Tommy, he's still a kid. A kid that literally just lost his father.

And would people even listen to him? Like Wilbur said before, he's a yes man. Sally hated to admit it, but it was true.

He would most likely just get pushed around by the people that are supposed to listen to him.

This worried Sally very much. But upon seeing the bright smile on the child's, previously tear-stained, face made her relax a little.

"Tubbo look at me." Wilbur put a hand on his adopted brother's shoulder. "I know you probably hate me. But Tubbo, you're a good kid, and an even better spy." Then Wilbur left the podium and sat on Tubbo's previous seat, next to Sally.

Then Tubbo started his speech. Again, Sally mostly tuned it out. Sally sometimes let her eyes wander towards Wilbur's direction. Strangely enough, he wasn't talking to her.

He was just smiling and listening to Tubbo's speech. Like everyone else was. But she couldn't help but think that something else was going on in his mind.

Then, after Tubbo's speech, Wilbur just got up and left. No one questioned it. No one even cared. But Sally was worried. Very worried.

Then Tubbo had everyone take the festival decorations off. Sally didn't really do anything, though. She just wondered where Wilbur had gone.

Sally was standing by the podium when Niki approached her. "Sally, are you okay? You seem on edge?" Sally sighed and said "Nothing. Just wondering where Wilbur is."

Niki nodded. Then used her pickaxe to get some of the cobblestone out. "Yeah. I'm sure Wilbur's wondering around. He knows what he's doing-" She suddenly gasped.

"What happened?" Niki was staring, wide eyed, at what she just discovered. TNT. Under the podium. Did Dream really hollow out the entire podium and stored TNT under it all?

Then Niki picked up the cobblestone and covered it again. Sally looked at her with a confused expression. Niki just sighed. "Let's not speak of what we just saw." Sally just reluctantly nodded I agreement.

Niki trusts Wilbur. Enough to know that now that they've won, he won't blow it all up.

But Sally knows better. She knows that Wilbur's the traitor.

"Niki, we should probably stay in the water." Niki was confused but eventually nodded.

They stayed in the fountain and swam for a while. "I never realized how much I missed this." Sally nodded in agreement.

Then Tommy approached Dream and asked "So the traitor thing was just bullshit, right?" Dream laughed "Oh yeah, there is a traitor." Everyone went silent.

"W... What do you mean?" Asked Tubbo.

Sally sighed and Niki looked at her with a questioning face.

Then they all saw a shadow in the skies. They all looked up. They saw him. The man himself, Philza Minecraft.

He was flying towards a specific hill. A hill where Wilbur had said the button was residing in. "Oh shit..." Sally muttered.

Then at that same time, everyone started yelling. But it wasn't about Phil. It was about Techno. He was pointing a a crossbow, that was loaded with a firework, at Tubbo's head.

"OK YOU GUYS, LISTEN HERE! LISTEN TO ME!" Techno called for everyone's attention.

"I did not spend weeks planning this revolution, giving you guys gear, for you guys to go in and replace one tyrant with another!" He yelled out. Some people, like Dream and the Badlands, took his side. While alot of people sided against him.

Sally and Niki got out of the water.

"Don't you see what's happening here? Don't you see history repeating itself? D'You think Schlatt was the cause of your problems? No! It was government! Power corrupts!"

"Though, I do agree with you on that one, Technoblade. Please do not blame Tubbo! This isn't his fault!" Sally yelled to him.

"What the fuck are you saying, Technoblade?" Tommy asked. Techno facepalmed. "I'm saying that you all shouldn't make a government!" He explained.

Everyone looked at him in disbeleif. Techno sighed. "I guess I was wrong to help you people."

Tommy glared, then charged at Techno with a sword. He striked at Techno, but he merely dodged the attack. Then he used his trident to trip Tommy and stepped on his stomach with force.

Tubbo, who was angry in seeing his best friend hurt, had snatched the crossbow out of Techno's hand and shot at him.

Techno survived the shot but got attacked by both Fundy and Quackity. Niki then went to help.

Sally didn't know what to do. She didn't know wether to act on her anarchist desires and fight with Techno, or to defend all her friends.

Techno, somehow, got his crossbow back and was now shooting everyone on the opposing side.

Then all suddenly halted when Dream said "You know who the traitor is, Tommy?" Dream laughed and said

"The traitor is Wilbur."

Everyone, even Techno, was shocked. Everyone but Sally.

"No! Technoblade is the traitor! He just threatened Tubbo!"

Techno looked offended "I was promised anarchy and the destruction of governments! Not just regaining power and making another one!"

Everyone started questioning where Wilbur was and why Phil's here appearantly, while Techno just continued to attack his enemies.

That was when Sally heard faint noises of TNT going off. She immediately grabbed the two people next to her, who were coincidently Niki and Fundy and jumped into the fountain.

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