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Phil's pov

i woke up to see our shelter empty. i figured y/n was outside so i went out to look for them. i looked around the forest until I heard singing. "when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said: 'hey, got any grapes' and the man said..." i heard the struming of a gituar. as y/n contued singing. i walked quietly so i wouldnt scare them. 

y/n pov

i kept singing in an attempt to push away the errie feeling that lingered from my dream. But it stayed there. It wouldn't leave me.

"Nice singing." I heard someone say. That made me stop. I turned around on instinct, my crossbow ready. I realized it was only Phil and lowered my crossbow.

 "hi phil, how'd you sleep" 

"well you woke up first, so shouldnt i be asking you?" phil asked

"oh uh yeah i guess."

"sooo how did you sleep?" phil asked

"me?" i said back

"of course" he replied.

i felt like i couldn't trust him, not that I believed he was bad, but it was in my nature. I learned to never let anyone gain my trust.

"Why do you want to know?" I didn't know a better way to put it, but it still sounded a little rude

"well i would like to make sure you slept well."

"why do you care?" i asked, sounding angry.

"Because I was trusted with watching you and I need to know what I'm dealing with."

At this point I was angry. No... I wasn't angry, I wasn't used to this. I'm the one who always had to ask papa how he slept, or asked father if he had any interesting dreams.

"Well I slept... Okay I guess" I said trying to figure out what okay sleep was versus bad sleep.

"I noticed that you have a watch, did you check it when you when you went to sleep, or woke up?"

I looked at my watch. "yeah, I did check it. When I went to bed it was 12:15 am, when I woke up it was around 3 am." I said honestly. "So I slept well" I gave him a smile. Phil looked at me, surprised.

"Wait, do you find that to be a good sleep?" Phil looked like he was concerned.

I looked back at him, confused. "Yeah. I mean isn't it? It's just enough, but not too much sleep."

"Mate that's no where near enough sleep." Phil looked like he was almost scared.

"But I can still function can't I." I replied

"Yeah but just barley. Why do you think that three hours is a good sleep?!" I could hear his confusion and concern.

"Well first off it wasn't three hours. Like I said I fell asleep at 12:15 not 12:00 so I got 2 hours and 45 minutes of sleep. Second of all, 2 nights ago I slept for 6 hours. That's a lot of sleep. And I need to get that much sleep so I can work. I have to get up early so I can either get some quiet time to myself or go to the casino and shuffle the cards, get the chips, check the machines and if any are broken, fix them, sweep the floors, get the right clothes, greet the patrons,-" Phil cut me off

"You work at the casino?! I mean aren't you too young to be a dealer?"

" Well yeah, but aren't you too old to be alive?" I shot back

Phil went quiet, so I continued

"Make a few bets keep people from being sober at the tables so they can't think right."

Phil cut me off again "wait, you're okay being around alcohol? I mean doesn't it remind you of... Well y'know."

"Schlatt? Yeah, but it's business so I gotta just kinda suck it up."

That was a lie, I do suck it up, I do keep making bets. But every time someone hits a table after losing I flinch, I remember those nights spent listening to papa argue with schlatt.

But whatever keeps the people at the table.

Whatever keeps the money coming.

"Let's keep going, we should be at your house by tomorrow so let's go." I said getting up.
Until I saw a cat.

It looked fimaliar, but why?

It was cold and walked twords me. Its legs shivering, I crouched down, the cat came closer to me. I picked it up, and it started purring.

Why did I feel like I've seen this cat before? It's light brown fur got darker as it was closer to it's face. It's cheek had a scratch on it, and his eyes were red. But I gave it the benefit of the doubt.

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