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(A/n I fucked up the time-line, pretend the red banquet was after Wilbur's revival) 

Y/n pov 

The door opened, a familiar face gretting me. a warm smile spread across his face.

"hello y/n!" he said, kindness lacing every word.

"hi again." i replied nervously.

"would you like to come in?" he asked. he seemed so kind, like a parent caring for a child  that came back from a long journey. 

I nodded stepping inside.  "Whoa" I Said amazed by the space I stepped into. 

 " I know it's not too fancy but-"

"are you kidding me! " I cut him off "this is awesome!" I looked around,  I felt like a child getting a present. The Pure excitement felt amazing.

I heard a small barking noise followed by a small white dog running towards me. "Well hello there." I Said to the small creature running around my feet.  

"Rat!" Bad Said to the dog. "I'm sorry." He said. 

"It's completely okay." I replied crouching down, placing my hand 4 inches away from the dog. Whose name I assumed was Rat. 

Rat sniffed my hand and began to lick it. I laughed at the show of affection.  

"She  isn't usually so friendly towards new people." Bad Said, surprised by her affection for me. 

"I guess I've just got luck." I Said letting out a light chuckle. 

Day bled to night before I knew it. I had spent hours on the couch trying to figure out if I made the right choice. 

'What if someone gets hurt? Is the badlands better than Las Nevadas? What if enemies of the eggpire figure out I'm here, they can easily easily kill me if they want.' 

" are you okay?" I heard bad's voice break through my thoughts. I snapped out of the abyss of doubt I was in. 

"Oh, yeah I'm OK. Just thinking." I Said.

Bad looked at me, doubt painted across his face. "Okay, well if you would like to talk I'm always willing to listen." He didn't push me. I was always bugged about how I feel, but this was different. 

"Thank you." I simply said, I  wasn't sure what to say. 

After a few more hours I was fast asleep on the couch. 


Quackity pov 

I walked out of my house, being weighed down by the items in my pockets. 

I  had asked Phil if there was anything unusual about y/n. He told me that he saw some sort of red, vine looking veins on the left side of their face. 

I knew what they were. I knew where they were from.

That was the last straw,  I wasn't about to let them hurt my child. I began my way to the badlands. 


Y/n pov

I woke up, still on the couch,  I noticed Bad getting a tray of muffins from the kitchen.

"Good morning." He said to me,  his cheerful tone not wavering for a moment since we met. 

"Good morning" my voice sounded groggy.

Bad looked at me setting the tray down on a nearby table. "I just finished making a room for you. If you want to you can check it out."

"That would be nice."

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