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the crimson egg,  a creature of insanity, destruction, and discord (the natural need of chaos).

It's history ranges to over thousands of years, it's most well-known encounter being an event over 100 years ago known as the masquerade. 

'You have a book on that back at your home.' The egg said 

'Really?' I questioned.

'Well yes. One of the people attending that event carried a book with them often jotting things down. I knew that he looked familiar, but I didn't expect him to be the same person.' 

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'When you called him father time you were more accurate than you thought.'

I realized what it was talking about but needed confirmation. 'What? '

'Karl.' The egg said bluntly. I understood everything at once. His memory loss, the books he carried, the library, the stories. It all made sense now. 

My thoughts were interrupted when the egg alerted me. 'Philza is on his way'

I set down the book grabing onto my bag and making a run for it. "Where are yo-" was all I could hear Technoblade say before I was out of earshot.

I mined a small hole two blocks high and two blocks deep into a random side of a random cave. I stepped in the hole and blocked it with two blocks infront of me I covered my mouth and breathed quietly.

'Do you want to make a run for it or wait until he's gone?' The egg asked. 

'Let's wait, I don't think that flying around isn't going to attract attention.' I said.

So I waited. The egg talked with me. Not about anything really, just talked.

'You know, the eggpire is holding a banquet in about three days.' The egg invited.

'But aren't they evil?' I questioned.

'Evil, my dear, is what everybody is. It depends on how you see them. For example you see quackity as a hero, correct?' 

'Well yeah, of course I do.'

'Well he is far from that. Techno was trying to change, live a life of peace, where the voices wouldn't tempt him. But quackity ruined it, he invaded Techno, making the voices tempt him again. Techno only acted out of self defense.'

'And? I have no reason to feel bad for Techno, he ruined everything.'

'What about schlatt?' The egg began 

'Yeah, what about him?'

'Quackity made a deal, he would get the revive book from dream, and revive schlatt. The man who scarred you,' I looked carefully at my wing, in the dim light I could still see the  dark stain. The egg continued 'the man who took your first cannon life, the man who made you stay on the ground when you could've flown. And quackity is bringing him back to life.'

'No, that, no... schlatt?'

'Im sorry, I wish you knew sooner, but its true.'

'Tell me more about the banquet, please.'

We sat there for hours talking about the banquet. Eventually I retraced my steps through the mine to where I built the portal. 

'This is it.' I thought to myself. 'There's no turning back after you join them' I took a deep breath and walked into the purple haze.

three dads (karlnapity reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now