Layla Grace

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Despite being twins Jason and Layla were nothing alike. While Jason had always been very outgoing and always made friend easily, Layla had a little trouble to do so. Jason was a great leader, Layla claimed she was not. But they blamed those differences on their godly parents. For Jason was, as you already know, a son of Jupiter but Layla's dad was no other than Zeus, Jupiter's greek equivalent.

How did that happen? They didn't know. Gods were weird, at times schizophrenic.

No matter their differences, the two children loved each other and played together all the time when they were young, driving Beryl crazy with their screams and fights. That was until 1st of July 1998 when they both turned 4. An angry goddess came to their house that day and their mother Beryl decided that giving Jason away was the best way to appease her.

Soon after Thalia run away to go with Luke leaving Layla with her mother. Layla had cried and cried feeling like a part of her -two parts of her- had gone missing along with her two siblings that she dearly loved. She was just four, she couldn't understand the world but she knew enough to feel anger and bitterness towards the woman who called herself their mother. Towards the woman that had given her son away so save herself and she had caused all that pain to their family.

Even at four, Layla knew she wouldn't okay living alone with her.

Actually, scratch that. She would hate it. She hated it. She hated her. Especially after she started drinking and yelling at her. Especially since she started trying to manipulate her into believing that it was her fault her siblings had left to ease her own conscience.

You see, Beryl Grace's dream was to have just two kids and she had accomplished that by giving birth to Jason and Thalia. She simply didn't care about the third child.

Anyways, the young mother was devastated after losing her two beloved children. The fact that the only one she had left was her least favorite one made her dislike Layla even more. So instead growing closer because of the hardships, the woman and the kid drifted apart even more. Layla's rage grew day by day and evolved to an emotion so strong, no six year old should ever experience. Rage not only towards her mother but towards her father too. To her eyes, he was the one who had caused all that by abandoning them.

But since she could reach him, she let it all out on Beryl.

Finally, Beryl couldn't stand it anymore. Layla was getting annoying as she refused to ever stop blaming her for everything. And when she started interfering with her career to get rid of her she gave her to her deceased brother's wife, Isabel Grace. A middle aged woman from Puerto Rico who never intended to have kids and with a good reason too. Aunt isa, much like her mother, didn't know how to handle children. Not even a today went by without her yelling at the girl. Not even a day went by without having her do all sorts of chores around the house.

Fortunately, that didn't last long. Three years later a boy and a girl with bright orange t-shirts came to her rescue. They were sent to escort her to camp half-blood as she later found out.

When she went at camp she made a lot of friends who helped her get over her past. Her godly parent, Zeus, finally noticed her and sent her in many quest all of which she managed to complete. She was treated like a hero at camp, she was their leader, everyone knew her and respected her. She had found a home and she lived happily ever after.

Well, that's not exactly what happened. Come on, now. Even in wattpad things like that are impossible. 

No, Zeus didn't sent her to any quests. Heck, he didn't even claim her. You might think, of course he didn't. He was one of the big three and he wasn't supposed to have her. But to Layla who didn't know that, it seemed like he simply didn't care (which he probably didn't. This is Zeus we're talking about, but oh well).

No, she wasn't treated like a hero at camp. She wasn't respected. In fact, most campers barely acknowledged her presence, regarding her as just another unclaimed demigod.

No, Layla didn't make many friends at camp. As I already mentioned Layla wasn't great at opening up to people. If it wasn't for the son of Apollo, Lee Fletcher, she would have been completely alone. She really loved the boy and he did too. Their relationship was the only thing that kept Layla to the camp. They had been best friends for years, although they could've been more. That if he hadn't...

So, back to the point.

No, off course she wasn't treated like a hero at camp. Nobody even knew her.

That lifestyle didn't fit Layla. Something deep inside her (probably a child-of-Zeus instinct) told her she deserved to be known and popular. She secretly envied Percy Jackson for all the attention he was receiving. What did he have more than her? She sometimes thought.

The battle of the Labyrinth was the cherry on top. Layla had already had so much she wished she had died in that battle. The fates had other plans. She wasn't the one who died. Lee Fletcher was.

She clearly remembered the day she stood next to his bed at the infirmary, holding his hand as he slowly faded away. She remembered squeezing his hand as if she could somehow pull him away from the underworld. And then, she remembered crying and crying.

Live your life for me his last words came out as a faint whisper.

'Easier said than done' she had replied more to herself as she knew that the boy could no longer hear. Truth was, she didn't even know what to live for anymore. So much loss in her life and she was still to young. Just thirteen she had been at that time.

At that point she should have hated the Kronos and his minions for killing him. She did not. Instead she hated the gods. He hated her dad for not answering her prayers, she hated Apollo for not helping his own son, she hated Hera for taking Jason away, she hated Mr. D for not helping at the battle. And she hated them so much that she made the worst mistake of her life.

She decided to join Luke and the titans.

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