(27) War Counsil

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War council was more exciting than any other one Layla had attended. Each cabin counselor did his thing resulting to pure chaos.

Butch was trying to fit as more pencils as he could into the nostrils of Clovis who was, what a surprise, sleeping.

Travis and Connor, camp's biggest troublemakers and Hermes children, were trying set a ping pong ball on fire. Fortunately for everybody in the room, they hadn't succeeded. Yet.

Amaya, the nine-year-old counselor of Nemesis cabin was playing a weird card game with the counselor from Nike cabin. Of course, the daughter of Nike won most of the times, but you could see in Amaya's eyes that she was already planning revenge for that.

Lou Ellen Blackstone was playing 'got-your-nose' with Miranda Gardiner, only difference being that she, being a daughter of Hecate, had actually magically removed Katie's nose and the daughter of demeter was struggling to get it back.

Layla was losing at Bradefer from Clarisse probably for the hundredth time. Connor Travis would occasionally leave their ping pong ball aside and bet against her.

"Let's come to order." Chiron stepped into the room followed by Annabeth. "Lou Ellen, please give Miranda her nose back. Butch, I think twenty pencils is really too many for a human nostril. Clarisse, we know you are strong but please give the poor girl a break and Connor, betting against your fellow campers is not very nice. Thank you. Now as you can see, Jason, Leo, Layla and Piper have returned successfully... more or less. Most of you have heard parts of their story, but I will let them fill you in."

Once again, Layla let the others explain. She only added a few details from time to time. Everybody looked pretty fascinated with the story of how Layla defeated Enceladus although she tried to explain them multiple time that she didn't almost nothing, and that the others all the hard work.

Their story ended with Jason saying what Hera had told him before the meeting.

"So Hera was here, talking to you?" Layla frowned.

Jason nodded. "Look, I'm not saying I trust her-"

"That's wise." Annabeth muttered. Rich coming from a daughter of Athena.

"-but she isn't making this up about another group of demigods. That's where I came from."

"Romans." Clarisse said tossing Seymour,the leopard, a sausage. "You expect us to believe there's another camp with demigods, but they follow the Roman forms of the gods. And we've never even heard of them."

"The gods have kept the two groups apart, because every time we see each other, we try to kill each other." Piper explained.

"I can respect that." Clarisse said. "Still, why haven't we ever run across each other on quests?"

"Oh yes." Chiron said. "You have, many times. It's always a tragedy, and always the gods do their best to wipe clean the memories of those involved. The rivalry goes all the way back to the Trojan war, Clarisse. The greeks invaded Troy and burned it to the ground. The Trojan hero Aeneas escaped, and eventually made his way to Italy, where he founded the place that would some day become Rome. The Romans grew more and more powerful, worshipping the same gods but under different name and with slightly different personalities."

"More warlike." Jason said. "More united. More about expansion, conquest and discipline."

"Yuck." Travis commented and several campers shifted uncomfortably.

"And Romans hated Greeks. They took revenge when they conquered the greek isles and made them part of the Roman empire. After the c-." Annabeth said.

"Not the best time for a history lesson." Connor groaned.

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