(6) The Plan

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Layla, being daughter rof the sky god, was used to the feeling of flying. However, she had to admit, the metal dragon was something else. Up in the sky the air was cold but Festus kept them warm. Layla was sitting right besides Leo who was in the front. Behind her was Piper and then Jason.

"Cool, right?" Leo shot her a grin.

"Very." She admitted.

"What if we get spotted?" Piper asked.

"Don't worry." Layla said. "The Mist keeps mortals from seeing magic things. If they spot us, they'll probably mistake us for an oversized pigeon or something."

"You sure about that?"

"No." Layla said as she turned to face her.

Piper said something in response that Layla didn't pay attention to. As she was turning her head to face Piper her eye had fallen on a picture, Jason was holding. A picture of their sister, Thalia. Did that meant hat Jason was starting to remember her?

Piper followed the girls gaze and noticed the photo as well. She must have thought that Thalia was his girlfriend in the past or something because she frowned slightly. Seeing the troubled and sad look on her face Layla felt sorry for her. She too would have hated it if one day she woke and realized that all her memories with her boyfriend were fake. Well, not that she ever had one.

"Where are we heading?" Piper asked.

"To find the god of the North wind and chase some storm spirits." Leo said.

After that nobody spoke for a while. Piper looked away with a frown. She was still confused about all the demigod stuff that were going on.

Layla decided to do the same and looked down admiring the view below them. They were currently flying above a small forest with a river. The mist (real one not Hecate's) made the forest look magical.  She was so mesmerized by the scenery that she didn't pay attention and nearly fell off the dragon. Thank gods she was holding strongly onto Leo's back.

"Shut up, Leo." Leo scolded himself breaking the silence.

"What?" Layla asked confused.

"Nothing, long night. I think I'm hallucinating."

"Great. Because the only thing we need is the one person who can fly the dragon to be hallucinating."

"Just kidding. So what's the plan? You said something about catching wind, or breaking wind, or something?"

Jason told them the plan they had made. Long story short: they had to find the god Boreas and grill him to get information.

"His name is Boreas? What is he, the God of Boring?" Layla joked despite knowing he was the God of the North wind.

As soon as she said that she felt things coming back to her, like dezavu. That stupid joke was exactly the thing she had about Boreas said years ago. It was the one that got her in trouble with the God resulting to her nearly melting down his ice palace. She really hopped Boreas wouldn't remember their encounter or else all four of them were going to be turned into ice sculptures to decorate in his front yard.

Jason continued with the plan. Apparently, they would have to find those venti that attacked them at the Grand Canyon.

"Can we just call then storm spirits?" Leo asked. "Venti makes them sound like evil espresso drinks."

"Seriously? Evil espresso drinks?" Layla said unimpressed.

"Yeah, you know because of that thing in Starbucks."

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