(7) Quebec

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After Leo fell asleep, Jason didn't take long to follow his example. The two girls that were left awake, ended up talking about greek mythology which was a subject both girls new well and liked a lot.

Festus was fast. In less than 2 hours they could see the city of Quebec in distance. It was exactly as she remembered it from the last time she was there. It was never her intention for the team of demigods she had been leading back then to end up in Quebec, but wandering inside the maze was so confusing that with a single wrong turn you could end up in Canada instead of New Mexico.

"We almost arrived. Wake Leo up, will you?" Piper asked from behind her.

Layla gently shook the sleeping boy. "We're here." she said.

Leo woke up but still looked exhausted. He rubbed his eyes and looked the city that was now right bellow them. "Tell me that's Quebec and not Santa's workshop."

"Yeah, Quebec city. One of the oldest cities in North America. Founded around sixteen hundred or so?" Piper confirmed.

Leo raised an eyebrow. "Your dad did a movie about that, too?"

Piper made a face at him, rolling her eyes. "I read sometimes, okay? Just because Afrodite claimed me doesn't mean I have to be an airhead."

"Fiesty!" Leo said. "Since you know so much, what's that castle?"

"A hotel, I think."

"Ha, you read sometimes, yeah right. I'm sure you just said something random." Leo laughed. "Not a good guess might I add. If that huge thing's a hotel, I'll jump of Festus."

"It is a hotel." Layla confirmed.

"And how would you know?"

"I've been here before."

"Oh." Leo's face fell. Piper highed five with Layla. "B-but, Boreas is staying in a hotel?" Leo said. "That doesn't make sense. It can't be-"

"Heads up guys." Jason interrupted. "We've got company!"

The two figures with swords where soaring near her were some people she wished she would never have to face again.

Apparently, Festus didn't like them either. He made a weird sound with his mouth as if he was choking. Layla didn't know what it meant but it didn't sound good.

"Steady, boy." Leo muttered, petting his metal head.

"I don't like this," Jason said. "They look like storm spirits."

Layla gulped. "I wish they were storm spirits. They are demigods. And we're not exactly on good terms." She whispered.

The two guys halted next to them. The one was thin, tall and had a long face. His brother, was shorter and more muscular and lowkey reminded of an ox. They both had white hair and disgusted expressions just as she remembered.

"No clearence." The ox-like dude said.

"'Scuse me?" Leo said.

"You have no flight plan on file." The thinner one explained. "This is restricted airspace."

"Destroy them?" One thing that hadn't changed in Quebec and Layla was sure it would never change was the inability of this guy to Form a proper sentence.

In almost perfect sync Jason summoned his sword while Layla turned her coin into a spear and pointed it at the two figured threateningly.

"Hold on!" Leo cried out. "Let's have some manners here, boys. Can I at least find out who has the honour of destroying me?"

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