(9) Crash land In Depoit

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She was shocked at first, who wouldn't be if he woke up and saw he was about to face death in a nasty way? She hadn't even woken up properly yet and part of her brain didn't realize how dangerous her situation was at first.

She was dangerously close to the ground when she remembered that she could fly. She extended her arms and stopped herself from falling just in time to prevent the crash. That was a close call.

Next to her she heard Leo falling really fast and screaming, "Not cooooooooooool!" He was moving his arms trying to fly but the only thing he did was to accelerate his fall even more. He looked like some chicken aunt Isa had when Layla was younger that thought they could fly by flapping their wings like mad.

I'll give you a small hint? They couldn't.

"Extend your arms." She screamed but he didn't seem to hear her.

Her instant reflex was to try to catch him.

It wasn't easy. Even though Layla exersized regularly she wasn't strong enough and even though Leo looked skinny he was heavy enough to make them both fall if she tried to help him.

She went for it anyways.

When she tried to grab him he was taken aback kicked her in the stomach.

"Stop fighting!" She shouted. "It's me!"

"My dragon!" he yelled. "You gotta save Festus!" Layla wanted to save Festus as well. Alas, she was already struggling to save Leo. She doubted that she would be able to fly carring a 50ton metal dragon.

"I-I can't..." She managed to let out when they were right above the groung.

Never before, had she tried to fly carrying someone else with her and she never wanted to do it again. The ground was one meter bellow when she let go and fell with Leo falling on top of her.

They got up and checked for wounds. Leo seemed okay but she couldn't say the same for herself. Her leg hurt a lot. She was pretty sure it was broken. When she tried to walk she screamed in pain and fell to the ground again.

"You okay...?" Leo looked concerned. Then she looked at her leg. "Oh no, you're not."

"Thenks for the reassurance." She groaned.

"Yeah, sure." He search for a while in his tool belt pockets before pulling out a wad of gauze and a roll of duct tape.

Both items seemed too big for his tool belt's pockets. "How did you-how did you pull that stuff from an empty belt?" She I asked, her eyes widening. "I want one of those too. How does it work?"

"Magic. Haven't figured it out completely, but I can summon just about any regular tool out of the pockets, plus some other helpful stuff. Breath mint?" He offered in which the girl responded with a nod.

"What happened here?" Said Jason who had just landed with Piper thankfully without breaking any legs.

"My leg." Layla said. "I think it's broken."

"Leo, can you fix it?" Piper asked.

"I'm a mechanic, man. Maybe if she was a car I could. Oh, wait." He snapped his fingers. "What was that godly healing stuff they fed you at camp- rambo food?"

"Ambrosia, idiot." Layla said.

"There should be some in my bag." Piper said. She pulled her backpack off her shoulders. After searching for a while she found an airtight bag full of pastry squares that looked like lemon bars. She gave one to Layla.

Ambrosia for her tasted like ice cream . But not just any ice cream. The lemon ice cream she used to eat with her brother when they were little. Before Hera came to take him.

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