(3) At The Campfire

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At dinner she sat in the Zeus table alone as usual, having no sibling to share the table with. Even if her suspicions about Jason being a son of Zeus were correct he wasn't claimed yet and he was sitting next to the Stols at Hermes table.

After dinner she picked a corner in the amphitheater where impatiently waited for the sing-along to end. She hated singing. Well, not really, but everything that had to do with music reminded her of the son of apollo that she used to know.

After 2 or 3 songs that Layla didn't pay attention to Chiron spoke up. "Very good, very good! And a very special welcome to our new arrivals. I am Chiron, camp activities director, and I'm happy you have all arrived here alive and with most of your limbs attached. In a moment I promise we'll get to the s'mores, but first-"

"What about capture the flag?" Someone, probably son of Ares, yelled.

"Yes, I know the Ares cabin is anxious to return to the woods for our regular game-"

"And kill people!" Another Ares camper shouted.

Chiron ignored the comment. "However, until the dragon is brought under control, that won't be possible. Cabin 9, anything to report on that?" The centaur turned at Leo and his half-siblings. Nyssa Barrera, a daughter of Hephaestus stood up.

"We're working on it."

"How Nyssa?" An Ares camper demanded.

'Here we go again.' Layla thought. She was really tired of the fights between Ares and Hephaestus cabin that occurred there every night.

"We will have to be patient." Said Chiron wisely interrupting their argument. "In the meantime, we have more pressing matters to discuss."

"Percy?" Someone asked. A the mention of the boy a few dozens of heads at once turned to look at Annabeth.

"I didn't find Percy. He wasn't at the Grand Canyon like I thought. But we're not giving up. We've got teams everywhere. Grover, Tyson, Nico, the Hunters of Artemis- everyone's out looking. We will find him." She signed. "But Chiron's talking about something different. A new quest." The word quest alone made Layla, who was until now staring at a tree, wipe her head towards the centaur and look at him expectantly.

"It's about the Great Prophecy, isn't it?" The head of Afrodite cabin guessed.

"Drew, what do you mean?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, come on. Olympus is closed. Percy's disappeared. Hera sends you a vision and you come back with three new demigods in one day. I mean, something weird is going on. The Great Prophesy has started, right?" Layla looked at Drew amazed. Who would have guessed that this annoying diva had enough braincells to think of that.

"Well?" Drew continued facing Rachel. "You are the oracle has it started or not?"

"Yes, The Great Prophesy has begun." The oracle confirmed. "For those of who have not heard it, the great prophesy was my first prediction. It arrived in August. It goes like this:

'Eight half-bloods shall answer the call.
To storm or fire the world must fall-'

Immediately Jason shot to his feet. " Ut cum spirit postrema sacramentum dejuremus
Et hosted ornaments addent ad ianuam necem."  He receited.

Even Rachel seemed taken aback. "You just... finished the prophesy- an oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the door of death. How did you know-"

Jason scratched his neck, suddenly nervous from all the attention he was receiving. "I know those lines. I don't how, but I know that prophecy."

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