I Can't Remember If I Cried, When I Read About His Widowed Bride

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A few days had passed and you and Arthur were improving, the thing is with your relationship with Arthur is he never made it awkward. You never had to worry about bumping into him. Even though you were getting things back of track you couldn't help but dream of the old days when you danced together and sang songs of a Ring Dang Doo. You missed spending time with Arthur as much as you used to and he must have felt the same because while you were daydreaming he had come clattering over to you
"Hey y/n" he said with a cheeky smile
"Whose shoved the sun down your throat?" You asked jokingly, referring to his rather large smile
"I just had an idea" he stated
"Oh yeah? And what's that?"
"You haven't got a horse yet." He spoke
"That's correct." You replied obviously
"You need one."
"Also correct."
"Let's go buy one." He shouted with excitement and the two of you headed into town. Rhodes was an interesting town, filled with interesting characters. There was one man who was shouting for his friend, Gavin, but you were sure you'd seen him in Valentine before. Arthur lead you to the stables and you both jumped off with a thump. You began scanning the horses. There was a large, chestnut coloured horse with a blonde main that stood out to you, but so did the large black and white horse with fluffy feet. After much debating you walked out of the stable with the black and white one. Arthur paid the man and you couldn't help feeling a wave of guilt cave onto you, Arthur smiled at you and realised what you were feeling
"It makes me happy to pay." He whispered into your ear as he walked past, pushing his money back into his pocket. He helped you onto your new horse with a heave. Your eyes collided once again, this always seemed to happen. His eyes were a safe spot for you, you could be drowning in your thoughts and emotions, but as soon as your eyes met his, that firework feeling would pull you back to dry land. Trotting back into camp all eyes fell on you and your fancy new horse. You gazed over to Arthur who was looking proud of his new purchase, like a hyena showing off its recent pray.

The bright blue afternoon sky, soon bled into darker purples and blacks and white stars began to twinkle and dance high above camp, watching over the gang from a land we could only dream of. You were brushing your new unnamed horse when you heard a commotion coming from Dutch's tent. You hurried over there, dreading what could be going on now
"They want a parley?" Questioned Hosea " Its a trap."
"Wait what's a trap?" You asked walking up to the group of men
"The O'Driscoll's want to meet up." Scoffed Arthur "it's a trap if I ever did see one."
"Well of course, it's probably a trap..." added Micah "but what have we got to loose finding out?"
"Our lives....I don't know I mean they seem kind of important don't they?" You added sarcastically. Just hearing that man speak made you want to tackle him there and then but he began to speak again
"We ain't getting shot because Arthur'll be there protecting us. It's a trap, you shoot the lot of them.... If it ain't a trap, that slim chance-"
"I don't see the point in any of this." Huffed Dutch, placing his lit cigar between his dry lips
"It's a chance we gotta take." Pleaded Micah, piping up once again
"I killed Colm's brother... long time ago...then he killed... a woman I loved dear" explained Dutch, his usually confident tone had faded and you could now sense vulnerability in his voice.
"As you say. It's a long time ago, Dutch." Reminded Micah. There was a small moment of silence before Dutch spoke suddenly "Let's go." He then ordered you and a few selected men to ride.

When the gang rode together it was like an army of determined soldiers charging into battle, but you had a sickly feeling that this wasn't going to go to plan. None of this added up to you, even if they did want a parley, why would we want one? The horses galloped in synchronisation creating a tune of trots.
"Y/n, you head to the fork in the road. We will aim to meet back there no matter what." Spoke Arthur
"But I want to see the O'Driscolls. I don't care if they shoot at me, it gives me an excuse to shoot back." You persuaded
"I think she can stay." Added Dutch
"Thank you." You smiled, before following Dutch and Micah to the meeting area. The spot was an empty ocean of green land illuminated by the full moon above your heads, with the cliff that Arthur and his sniper rifle were on peaking over, leaving a cold shadow near you, you scanned your eyes to the top and saw the black silhouette of Arthur give a thumbs up. Dutch and Micah jumped off their horses, but you chose to stay on yours behind them. You would rather have a height advantage over them, even if it was just a few feet, but your horse was built like a truck which left you feeling like a king on his golden thrown. Powerful and confident.
After a few minutes of waiting, no chatter was exchanged. When suddenly horse hooves could be heard in the near distance and you spied three horses gallop into view
"This is them." Informed Dutch quietly. You gripped your horses leather reins and took a deep breathe in, preparing yourself for every outcome that could arise.
"Hello, Dutch. It's been awhile." Spoke the leader, you realised this was Colm. He too was wearing a green cravat, like the one you'd found at the reminisce of your burned, family farm.
"Sure." Answered Dutch trying to keep a civil tone
"So er, how's your gang doing?" Colm asked, keeping his eyes on you as he did "They still believing in ya?" You swore if he didn't take his eyes off you soon you'd pop, you could feel your grip grow tighter around your reigns in anger and your face turn red as your loathing made your blood boil "better world, pure world, hmm? How's that coming along?" Colm spoke again and you were screaming in your head for someone to answer him
"Just fine." Spat Dutch.
"Mmm, how's that score you stole off us?" Asked Colm
"Which one?" Answered Dutch spitefully, making you laugh in your head and sketch a devilish smile on your face which you tried to hide. Colm laughed too and called Dutch a charismatic leader, but you realised one of the O'Driscolls, the one on the left, was trying to psych you out by never breaking eye contact and you weren't about to let him win. No. You were going to make sure he looked away first, so all of your attention turned to him, leaving Dutch and Micah to deal with Colm. Finally, just as your eyes started to water he looked away.
"What are we doing here, Colm? Is this thing over?" Questioned Dutch and Colm let out a laugh that spoke a thousand words. This was indeed a set up. Dutch backed away and looked at him confusedly, then it clicked for him too. He hovered his hand over his gun. Then it happened. Bullets started spraying around you. But none were aiming for your head or your chest, all were aiming at your legs and feet. Dutch leaped onto his horse. You fired a few bullets back as they were reloading, hitting the one to the left right through his eye. Dutch got the other one, but they were coming from all over. Colm was long gone. He must have made his exit when the bullets started.
"Abandoned ship!" yelled Micah. You despised the idea of taking orders from Micah, but it was that or be killed
"let's go!" Added Dutch and you chased after them. The three of you galloped faster than light and didn't stop until you were at camp. Making sure you weren't being followed in the process. Sweat dripping down your face with fear, you jumped off your horse and your legs almost bailed below you. You patted your horse and rested your head on its neck. Taking a few minutes to yourself. You carefully walked over to where everyone was. Dutch was explaining what had happened to the gang, you went and stood next to Sean. When suddenly your heart sank and your eyes froze in place realising one crucial detail. Arthur wasn't here. Your head shot up and your eyes darted around
"Y/n," spoke Sean placing a hand on your arm "what's wrong?" He could tell there was something else going on. Your eyes turned to Dutch
"Where's Arthur?" You asked very slowly, the words not wanting to leave your mouth.
He sighed.
"Only time will tell." He replied sorrowfully "he could of gotten away, or he could of..... been taken.... Or..." he looked at you with pleading eyes, begging you to realise what he was saying.
"NO!" You kicked and screamed trying to get to your horse, but Sean had you in his grip
"Y/n please-" begged Sean
"LET ME GO!" You ordered at the top of your lungs smacking and scratching and the many limbs that surrounded you. You were frightened, like a cornered rat, begging to break free
"I DIDN'T GET TO TELL HIM!" You screamed
"Tell him what!?" Asked Sean


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