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Pulling into the new camp you witnessed an empty land of opportunities, a canvas for memories to be made. You spied a lake which glistened in the evening sun light. Arthur helped you down from the carriage and you explored your new home. People were already begging on getting to work setting up camp, but your eyes were caught by the glittery waves of the lake. The chilly breeze kissed your skin and you thought to yourself "maybe everything will be okay."

It never did take long for camp to be set up. By the time the sun was asleep the camp looked like it had been up forever. Everybody was at peace, but you felt weird. You decided the best thing to do would be to go to bed. You sat on your bed with your head in your hands, thinking about the events of today, but your thoughts were clouded with an image of Arthur. He protected you today, he taught you today, he comforted you today and he got you through today. He's the person you could rely on, he's the one who makes you feel happier than you had in years if ever. He's the person who can calm you down just by looking at you. Then it became clear. He was your person. As long as you had him you would be safe, so you closed your eyes and laid back, allowing your dreams to take you into a land far, far away.

You jolted awake to screams and crashes of metal objects, you shot out of bed to see what was happening, you were greeted with a very angry Sadie Adler threatening Pierson with a knife. You hopped towards them, trying to fasten your boot while getting closer, so you could calm the situation when Arthur comes out and joins you,
"What is wrong with you two?" Asks Arthur while walking past you
"I ain't chopping vegetables for a living." Explained Sadie, stabbing the chopping board with her knife
"Oh, I'm sorry, madam..." replied Arthur sarcastically "was there insufficient feathers in your pillow?"
"Look, I ain't lazy, Mr. Morgan. I'll work, but not this"  Sadie yelled, storming off
"Well ain't cooking work?" Arthur yelled after her. Arthur looked at you as if to say "what should I do?" And you gestured your hands for him to go after her, so he did
"My husband and I, we shared the work. All of it." She explained in a much calmer tone "I was out in the fields. I can hunt, carry a knife or use a gun, but I tell you, you keep me here.... I'll skin this fat old coot and serve him for dinner!"
"Watch your damn mouth you crazy, goddamn fishwife!" Yelled Pierson from behind causing Sadie to lunge at him, but Arthur grabbed her in time "Enough! Both of ya! Right Y/n can you stay here and help Pierson with the food and Sadie can help me in town."
"Sure." You said, not very enthused, but still happy to help.
On Sadie and Arthurs way out you heard Arthur say " there's something I've been needing your help with anyway." You wondered what it could be as they rode out of camp.

Slicing, choping, slicing, choping, over and over again until you had blisters on your fingers is how you spent your morning until Arthur came back. He strutted towards you and relieved you of your duties
"Thanks for doing that y/n." He laughed
"Never. Ever. Again. Mr. Morgan."  You replied.
"Ohhh alright then. Me, Dutch and Hosea are going fishing, do you wanna come?"
"I'd love to but my fingers are all messed up." You answered, upset that you couldn't go
"Let me see," he said while grabbing your hands, he rubbed his fingers lightly over your sensitive skin and thought to himself.
"Ill see if I can find some cream for this while I'm out." He exclaimed
"Thank you love." You replied. Your hand lingered in the grips of his for a few moments before the both of you came back to earth and went your separate ways.

Arthur was gone longer than you expected. You didn't do much while he was away, just sat staring at the water, chatting with Charles, but he had to go help Sean with something, so then you were alone when you heard singing coming from the water. You rose to your feet and saw the boys clambering out of the boat. You laughed to yourself, but your smile soon dropped when you saw the state of Arthurs face.
"ARTHUR WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??" You yelled running up to him
"Ahhh it's nothing, I'm alright!" He replied with your hand cradling his cheek
"It isn't bloody nothing you old goon, come with me." You instructed grabbing his hand and leading him into your tent. He sat down with a huff on your bed, You wet a tatted rag and began gently dabbing his face. He squirmed and cringed, but you told him to stop being so dramatic.
"So, you going to tell me what happened then?" You questioned him
"We ran into some lawman and Dutch wanting to make a good impression made me go chase after an escapee" he answered, still cringing
"Well I hope the other guy looks worse than this." You laugh
"Other guy does." He laughed back. The two of you caught each others gaze and just stared at each other for while, when Arthur looked at you it wasn't the same as when other people do, he looked deep into your soul, it felt like it was like the beginning of a fire work when everyone's waiting for the big explosion to happen. Just looking into his emerald eyes made you feel safe and comforted, it's like he was your home.
"Y/n?" Arthur asked you, not breaking the eye contact "I do believe I may be falling in love with you." He spat out, not even realising what he said.

And there was "the big explosion".

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