two | breakfast and auditions

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Chapter Two:
Breakfast and Auditions

NINI RACED OUT to Lucy's car the next morning, sliding in with a slight huff as she quickly apologized, "Sorry. My moms would not stop wishing me luck for the auditions today."

"It's totally okay. I got you a refresher and a breakfast sandwich on my way here. I would have gotten us coffee, but with it being audition day, I think it's best if we stick to tea and water," Lucy clarified, motioning to the drink and bag of food in the center console.

"You're literally the best. I will totally pay you back later," Nini insisted, picking up the sandwich and digging in then washing it down with the drink

"Don't even worry about it, Nini. Seriously. It's my treat," Lucy assured her. "Do you like the drink by the way? I just got you what I normally get myself. Kourt said she thought you would like it."

"Are you kidding? This is amazing. I love strawberry, like, anything," Nini laughed, taking another sip of the refresher.

"I'm so glad you like it! Okay, okay, enough about the food. How's your grandma? You said you went to visit her yesterday, is everything alright?" Lucy asked curiously.

"Oh she's great! We played uno for most of the time I was there. Thank you for asking, by the way. That's really sweet of you," Nini smiled at her.

"Oh of course! Are you excited for auditions today? You and EJ are totally gonna get Gabriella and Troy. Everyone knows it," Lucy insisted.

"You're not going out for Gabriella? It's your senior year," Nini questioned.

"I mean, I am... I just think you have. A better shot than I do," Lucy admitted.

"Well, I think you'll do great, and if you don't get it, there's no way I will," Nini insisted.

"Well hey now, don't talk like that. I think you have a great chance. If I don't get it, I seriously want you to," Lucy replied, pulling into the parking lot of the school.

"Same to you, Lucy. Seriously, you'll be great. Thank you again for the breakfast and the ride, I really appreciate it," Nini insisted, crumpling up her trash in her hand and picking up her backpack and drink as the two got out of the car.

"Hey, not a problem! Lucy Carlisle, your friendly and not creepy Uber driver at your service," Lucy bowed. The two girls laughed and made their way into school together.

Lucy was super happy the whole school day, she ate lunch with Kourtney, Nini, and EJ again, and then joined them in the auditorium for auditions after school. Lucy was confident after the dance auditions, taking her water bottle from beside Kourtney who was keeping an eye on all of their stuff while they auditioned.

Finally they were stood in line to get their scripts for callbacks, and Lucy was stood between Ashlynn (One of EJ's twin cousins, the other being Adam who was stood on the other side of his sister to audition for Ryan) and a new girl Lucy learned was named Gina. When Miss Jenn and Carlos stopped in front of Ashlynn, Lucy felt her heart start to pound, knowing she was next to get her script.

"You're giving me uncommon depth. Miss Darbus?" Miss Jenn noted.

"I'm dying, I'm deceased. Yes," Ashlynn breathed out. Miss Jenn beamed as Carlos handed her a script.

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