thirteen | can i have this dance?

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Chapter Thirteen:
Can I Have This Dance?

THE SMELL OF rain drifted through the open window of Lucy's bay window. She sat at her keyboard, practicing some of the music she had to play as Kelsi and humming the lyrics of the music to herself. Suddenly a pebble flew through the open window. Lucy stopped what she was doing and looked over at the open window. Her eyes followed another pebble that soared through the air, and she grabbed both of them from the floor.

She went to the open window and watched as Ej prepared to throw another one, "Woah! Woah! Hold your fire! Hold it!"

Ej let his arm fall and dropped the pebble, smiling apologetically at her, "Sorry."

"What are you doing here?" she asked him with a frown.

"Come down here," Ej told her with a grin. Lucy looked at him suspiciously, but he only motioned for her to come down still.

"Meet me out back," she instructed. He nodded and she shut her window, quickly and quietly racing down the stairs. She slipped out back without her dad seeing or hearing her, and quietly closed the door behind her. "Are you crazy? What are you doing here?"

"I saved you a dance and you never came," he told her with a shrug.

"Ej," Lucy sighed, looking at him with a dismayed expression.

"What do you say, Lucy? Can I have this dance?" Ej asked her.

"What about Nini?" Lucy reminded him. "Or Gina? You went to the dance with her tonight."

"Nini and I are broken up, and I only went to the dance with Gina as a... favor of sorts," Ej explained. Lucy sighed and looked away.

"It just, it feels like I'm lying to Nini. She was upset when you and Gina went together tonight," Lucy sighed.

"Nini broke up with me, so it's pretty much history at this point," Ej told her pointedly. Lucy bit her lip and Ej held out his hand to her still. "What do you say, Luce? Can I have this dance?"

Lucy sighed and rolled her eyes, "There's no music."

Ej held up his finger and grabbed his phone from his back pocket. He started playing a song and Lucy laughed slightly.

"I hate that you know my weakness," Lucy told him. Ej grinned and grabbed her hand, pulling her close as they started to dance with one another in the yard.

"Take my hand, take a breath, pull me close, and take one step. Keep your eyes locked on mine, and let the music be your guide," Lucy sang, making eye contact with Ej who smiled down at her, one of his arms around her waist, the other holding her hand.

"Won't you promise me," Ej sang to her.

"Now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget," Lucy echoed him.

"We'll keep dancing," Ej continued.

"To keep dancing."

"Wherever we go next," they sang together, wide smiles on their faces as Ej lead them in their dance around her backyard. "It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you. It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do, and with every step together, we just keep on getting better."

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