four | unconventional

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Chapter Four:

KOURTNEY WAS PERSISTENT on being the one who did Lucy's fittings. So the blonde was standing between her and Nini, waiting for Kourtney to finish up measuring Ashlynn. She looked between the two with a small frown on her face, not exactly sure what was going on in her brain at that moment.

"Hey, what's with the frowny face? I thought we agreed no frowny face today," Nini nudged the girl as the girl doing her measurements stepped away to write something down on her notebook.

"I'm not frowning," Lucy denied.

"She said with a frown," Ashlynn piped up teasingly from where she was sat.

"Thank you, Narrator Ash," Lucy chuckled, shooting the girl a look.

"This better not be because of EJ still. I told him he better apologize for what he said to you," Nini told her, now she was frowning.

"No, no, he did," Lucy assured her.

"Good, because if he didn't, I was gonna tell on him to Uncle Cash," Ashlynn piped up, "and if I didn't, Adam would have."

"I don't doubt that you guys would have," Lucy giggled. "I'm not upset, not because of EJ, not because of anything really. I'm just in a weird mood is all."

[Lucy to the camera]

"Okay, so I'm still a little upset with EJ. Yes he apologized, and yes I accepted his apology, but he still really hurt me. Why would I try to break up him and Nini? I love Nini! I think she's great! I'm just glad he doesn't know I used to have a crush on him, that would have only added more fuel to the fire... the key word there is used to by the way. I don't have a crush on EJ anymore. Of course— of course not!"


"Well, you just have to get through the read through and then you can go home and vent to your pig pillow pet, Sylvia.... do you still do that?" Ashlynn asked. Lucy's cheeks reddened and she scoffed.

"What?! No! No, I haven't done that in forever," she spluttered out. Everyone looked at her in disbelief.

"You still do it, don't you?" Kourtney asked her quietly. Lucy closed her eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I do."


"Every night."

"Okay," Kourtney nodded, all four girls started to laugh now.

"No, but for real, guys. It's just, senior year is weird you know? This is my second to last show here, it just feels really weird," Lucy admitted, shrugging it off.

"Ugh, don't remind me," EJ piped up as he joined the group. "Four years in this drama department. You know, Lucy, this is our ninth show together? How weird is that."

"Nine?!" Lucy cried out, she paused for a moment and did the math. "Oh my god, it is our ninth show together. EJ, we're old."

EJ let out a laugh, the other people around them laughing at her revelation as well, the other senior stating, "It is really weird. It feels like yesterday we were acting out the Little Mermaid in your basement, with Adam and Ashlynn as our supporting cast."

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