six | unsaid emily

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Chapter Six:
Unsaid Emily

RICKY SIPPED ON his milkshake in Lucy's passenger seat as she drove past his street without a second glance. Noticing this, he furrowed his eyebrows at her, "You passed my street?"

"I know, we're going to my house for a little," she told him casually. Ricky stared at her and slowly pulled his drink away from his mouth, blinking at her worriedly.

"Lucy," Ricky said slowly, "this is kidnapping."

Lucy scoffed and rolled her eyes at him, "Tell me right now that you actually want to go home and I will gladly turn around."

Ricky opened his mouth to argue, but then closed it again and went back to sipping his milkshake. Lucy smiled triumphantly to herself and turned down her street.

"Is Miss Jenn setting you up to this?" Ricky asked as Lucy put her car in park and grabbed her backpack from the back seat. With her bag now in her lap, she looked at him and shook her head.

"Nope," she popped her lips and then started to get out of the car without another word. Watching the older girl confusedly, Ricky scrambled out behind her and started to follow her inside.

"So then what is this? What's this all about?" he asked, following her inside.

"We're hanging out, Ricky. People do that," she noted with a giggle. She opened the front door to her house and called out, "Dad! I'm home! I brought a friend!"

"Hey, sweetpea! Is it— oh! It's a boy," Carter said slowly. Lucy narrowed her eyes at him and Ricky's face flushed nervously.

"Dad, he's a friend. Nothing more, don't do that," Lucy commanded. Carter held his hands up in defense. "This is Ricky. Ricky, this is my dad. Ricky plays Troy in the musical."

"Not anymore, I'm quitting," Ricky corrected. Lucy glared at him and turned back to her dad.

"He plays Troy," she insisted. Carter nodded slowly, already understanding what his daughter was doing.

"Alright, well, I'm going out to dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Caswell tonight. I'm leaving you money for dinner for yourself, and Ricky if he wishes to join you," Carter said slowly. Lucy nodded and smiled warmly at him.

"Thanks, dad! Come on, Ricky! We're gonna play Just Dance!" Lucy kissed her dad on the cheek and skipped off towards the media room. Ricky and Carter slowly looked at each other.

"Is she always like this?" Ricky asked, pointing after Lucy.

"Yeah, pretty much. Good luck. It was nice meeting you, Ricky," Carter said, patting the boy on the shoulder and leaving the house.

"Nice meeting you too?" Ricky said slowly. This was one weird family.

After quite a few rounds of Just Dance, Lucy and Ricky ordered food and sat on the floor of the media room (Lucy's childhood play room) and had a small picnic.

"So this is happening," Ricky commented eventually.

"What is?" Lucy asked, stabbing her fork in her pasta and bringing it up to her mouth.

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