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Time skip: The Following Day

Mona's Perspective

Mona was desperate.

The time she spent with Scaramouche took up the entire afternoon. (Not that she minded,) but by the time she got back to town square, the crowd had run it's course. So she was missing an entire 7,000 mora that should have been earned, and was frantically trying to fix it.

She had been in town square giving readings since 6:30, and it was almost noon.  She needed 22,000 mora today to make up for yesterdays loss and still get the usual, and was only up 8,000 of it. Just her luck today was Monday, who gets up early on Mondays? Plus, all the children had gone to school so there were no little kids in town square to frantically drag their mothers over to the "lady giving fortunes" to see if they could get one. Believe it or not, they made up over 60% of her customers. 

If she didn't catch up today, the amount she needed to earn would  just keep increasing day after day. She needed to pay bills and the mora she had now wasn't gonna cut it.

"A bright future lays ahead of you! Love is just around the corner, expect someone very special around next month..." Mona told her current client, speaking in a ominous tone. Granted, speaking in such a manner but delivering good news does contradict each other, but it makes for a better delivery!

"Thanks Mona!" The client said waving at Mona as she walked away.

"You know, speaking in such a ominous tone but telling someone they have a bright future contradicts itself, right?" Scaramouche said smirking at he walked up to Mona. "It makes for a better delivery!!" Mona shouts. "Haha, sure it does." He joked. "Ready for lunch?" Scaramouche asked. "Lunch?... Oh right!..." Mona said palming her forehead. "Did you forget?" Scaramouche chuckled. "I might have..." Mona admitted. 

There is so much money to earn today and not alot of time to earn it. Do I really have time to take a lunch break? Well, I  am a woman of my word, and even though I have lots to do, I did agree to eat lunch with Scaramouche today since our time yesterday was cut short....

"Alright, let's go." Mona said reluctantly standing up from the barrel she was sitting on.

The pair made their way over to Good Hunter and walked up to Sara. "Welcome to Good Hunter! What can I gets you guys today?" Sara cheerfully asked. "Hmmmm..." Scaramouche said tilting his head his head upwards to look at the menu. Once he looked away, Sara immediately looked at Mona with a smirk and started raising her eyebrows up and down. Mona started to cuss her out but only by mouthing the words. "I think we'll have a platter of the Mondstat Hashbrowns please." Scaramouche said. Mona and Sara snapped back to position as if they were doing nothing. "Right away sir! Please take a seat and ill bring your food out as soon as its ready!" Sara said. Scaramouche turned to head to the table and started to walk over to it, and Mona attempted to follow. Before she could take a step Sara grabs her arm and pulls her over the counter.

"OW!" Mona yelps as she hits the hard stone inside the kitchen. Scaramouche whipped his head over to the noise. "Mona! Oh dear, are you hurt? lets clean you up!" Sara says ducking down under the counter to be eye level with Mona.

"And your sure it's completely platonic?!" Sara whispers. "Dude!" Mona whisper-yells back. "Sorry, Sorry!" Sara replied. "It's just you too seemed pretty buddy buddy on the way over here, and if I recall, I saw both of you dashing around town yesterday!" She continued.  "YOU SAW- you know what? I'm calm, I'm calm." Mona told herself. "Hey Mona? Are you ok?" Scaramouche said peaking over the counter. Both girls jumped up immediately. "Yep I'm totally fine!" Mona yelled. She leaped over the counter and bolted to the table. Scaramouche stood still for a moment in shock, then proceeded to the table.

"Mind explaining what that was about?" Scaramouche asked.  "Nope." Mona replied sipping her drink. Scaramouche chuckled to this.

After a few minutes, the food arrived and the two started eating and chatting about this and that.

"Wow, these are delicious!" Scaramouche exclaimed. "I know right?!" Mona replied. Mona waved her hand and conjured a pocket watch. "Shoot! It's almost 1:00! I need to get back out there, I need 12,000 more mora by the end of the day if I want to stay on track..." Mona panicked. "Why are you so worried about it?" Scaramouche asked worryingly. "After our run in yesterday, I was unable to obtain my daily 15,000 mora. So, I need catch up today if I want to stay on track. Rent expenses are due soon and-" Mona was cut of by Scaramouche. "Mona, do you not have enough money to survive off of?" He asked with a serious expression. "Well I am very low on it but-" "We're done here." Scaramouche cut her off yet again. He pulled a bag of mora out of his pocket and threw it on the table to pay for the meal. "Lead me to your house." He said looking straight at Mona. "Why do you want to-" "Your house, Mona. Now." He said without batting an eye. "Ok ok, follow me." Mona said.

"Welcome to my humble abode-" Mona said opening the door. Scaramouche stepped inside and tried his hardest to retain a modest expression. "It's not much, I know. But I make it work." Mona shyly said. Scaramouche looked around at the nearly empty room and the bear walls. The floor was a mess and the bed unmade. Scaramouche turned to Mona and look down at her dead in the eyes. "Mona, you can't keep living like this." He said. "I know I know, but I don't have alot of mora to spare to change things around here." Mona looked down at her feet. "I'll see you soon." Scaramouche said before turning and walking out the door. Mona stood there in shock for a moment wondering what just happened. "What's up with him?..." Mona said to herself.

Timeskip yet again,- 4 hours later

Mona frowned as she looked at her bank account. only 17,000 made today... I'll need to get 21,000 tomorrow to make up for it.. 

She started route back to her house as the sky started to turn pink. She starred at her feet as she walked noticing the stone grounds and all the little cracks the the bricks. Once she finally made it to her house, she looked up only to see Garret, Scaramouche's personal body guard and assistant leaning against the wall by the door with a slight smirk on his face. She couldn't tell if he had saw her because of the thick pitch black sunglasses he wore. "Garret? What are you doing here? And where's Scaramouche?" Mona asked hurrying up the stairs to the porch. "Ah, Mona. Nice to see you've arrived! You'll find Mr. Scaramouche inside." Garret said. Garret walked over to the door and began to open it. "He's done a bit of... redesigning." Garret continued. "What do you mean redesi-... OH MY BARABTOS." Mona yelped as she looked at her once bare room.

The entire room was completely remodeled. New furniture lay across the floor and colourful painting lined the walls. The place smelled fresh and it looked like the vents had been completely replaced. Her bed still sat by the window, except it was no longer her bed. A brand new queen sized bed with a dark blue headframe and sheets almost perfectly matching Monas colour pallet layed on it. The bedside dresser had been replaced, but the pictures and momentums Mona had still sat on it. Holy shit. There was a whole KITCHEN in the corner of the  room by the door now. Brand new countertops and fresh appliances lay opon it. Wait, what was the strange aroma? It smells like... cookies? Sure enough, Mona looked to the oven to see a cookie sheet inside of it baking. Scaramouche was at the sink washing the dishes he probably used to make the cookies. 

"What... When.. HUH?" Mona said in awe of the room. "Mona! Your back!" Scaramouche said happily. "I took the liberty of redesigning your place, I hope you don't mind..." He continued. "Mind? Scara-" Mona attempted to say. "Oh that reminds me! I left something for you on the table!" Mona looked over at the table only to see bags full to the brim of mora. "Just over 500,000 of it! I know moneys been tight, and I had a bit to spare, sooo-" Just then, Mona almost tackles Scaramouche with a hug. He caught himself and slowly accepted Mona embrace. "Thank you... so much..." Monas eyes were swelling with tears. "I can't begin to describe how much this means to me." She cried into Scaramouche's neck. Scaramouche could feel himself heating up. 


Mona jumped out of the hug alarmed by the sudden noise. "Oh! The cookies are ready!" Scaramouche joyfully said. "Mind if I stay awhile?" He nervously asked Mona. Mona beamed at him. "Be my guest." She laughed.

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