Well, Dammit.

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"Sorry no, haven't seen him"

"That's ok, thank you anyway."

Garret sighed. Scaramouche had run off to celestia knows where and Vivienne completely vanished. 

Gods i am so getting fired...

Garret had been wondering around Mondstat asking around for Scaramouche for the past hour. I mean come on, how damn hard is it to find a guy with a bowl cut wearing a catastrophically to large hat?! 

Quite honestly it's a crime that he would go out in public in the first place like that! Anyone with any sense of reason could process the fact that a hat should NEVER be that big. I'll be damned if he hasn't heard the other harbingers make fun of him for it! Like rea-

wait why the hell am i even thinking about this? CAN SCARAMOUCHE READ MY MIND?  DOES HE KNOW WHAT I THINK? OH SHI-

Garret had quite literally gone insane. All this pressure of Scaramouche and Viviennes disappearence was sending him into full panic mode. And apperently also fashion criticism mode?

Who would ever guess Garret of all people knew anything about fashion? 

Since he's from Fontaine, Garret was alaways exposed to quite high class people. He seems to have unknowingly become sort of an expert over the years.

He would never admit it, but secretly Garret is sort of a style enthusiast. Who doesn't love a good outfit?! 

He would also never admit, it to anyone, that he had always wanted to be a designer. As a kid, he would always swipe his moms fashion magizenes and spend hours studying them as if his life depended on it. 

An old girlfriend of his was actually a runway model and so he may or may not have used her as his personal mannequin for all of his designs. He practically made her try on every single dress he ever made. I think she got so annoyed with it that that's the reason she dumped him. Ironic ain't it?

Garret continued his route around Mondstat asking around if anyone had seen Scaramouche. Surely someone had seen him. He's quite hard to miss. 

Maybe he left Mondstat? Gods that would be bad for Garret. Where would he even go?

Garret was going to go over to the alchemy station to ask the guy there about anything, but he may or may not have gotten distracted by the jewelry shop along the way.

"And what's that one??" Garret excitedly asked

"It's a peice of a geo stone harvested straight from the peaks of liyue!" Marjorie replied.

"Fascinating..." Garrett said.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but why is a fatui agent so intrigued by gems? Shouldn't you be... y'know... wreaking havoc or something?" Marjorie asked.

 "Uh.. it's official fatui business!" 

It's really not. He just loves sparkily things.

"And we fatui don't do much "wreaking havoc" anymore these days!"

I would probably disagree.

"Hm... well if you say so. But why would you even seek to join the fatui anyway? Doesn't that just cause way more trouble than good?" Marjorie said.

"I heard it payed good, and I needed the money."

That parts actually true. Breaking into the design industry isn't cheap. But he didn't tell her that.

"Well I would think that there are much better ways to get some mora, but to each their own i suppose!" Marjorie smiled. "Oh and by the way, you haven't seen a dude with a blue bowl cut and a large hat wandering around here, have you?" Garret asked hopefully. "No i haven't, sorry. But i'll be sure to keep a lookout!" Marjorie replied. "Alright, thank you." Garret said disappointed.

He continued to walk up the stairs over to the alchemy station as he originally intended to do before he got distracted. Timaeus seemed like a observant dude, he'd have to have seen where Scaramouche went!

"Hey Timaeus!" Garret said walking over to him. "Oh Mr. Garret! Nice of you to stop by. What can I help you with?" Timaeus asked. "I was just wondering if you've seen Scaramouche around here somewhere. Y'know, the short dude with the huge hat?" Garret said. "Hm... well i haven't seen him, no. But there's a huge hat sitting on the fountain over there if that helps?" Timaeus replied.

Garret turned around to look at the fountain. And sure enough there was a huge hat sitting on the ledge of it. But it wasn't Scaramouches. 

It was Mona's?

"Uh... thanks Timaeus!" Garret said as he hurried over to the fountain to pick up the hat. He looked around, Mona wasn't anywhere around here. So why was her hat just sitting here?

Garret studied the hat more, and that's when he saw it. 

'Specs of leftover ash and dust? That should mean that there was some sort of...-'


The only person Garret knew that could conjure deadly black smoke was the only other person that was conveniently missing right now.


Just then, Marjorie came walking up the steps over to Garret. 

"Hey Garret, I just overheard some drunk dudes talking about there being a harbinger at the Angels Share. Isn't that the guy you're looking for?" 

Ok so wait. Monas been kidnapped by Vivienne and has been taken to who knows where. Gods, is she even alive? And the 6th of the fatui harbingers was over getting drunk in a tavern, which is VERY much against the tsaritsas rules.

Well... Dammit.



hey guys! yet again i kinda went on a hiatus of no updates so i'm gonna try to get these chapters in more often. i know so many of y'all love garret so i hope you enjoyed this little feature chapter of him. thanks again for so much love on this book, stay tuned for updates ;)


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