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Everything was black, but she could hear faint voices.

Soft murmurs happened all around her. Then, they got louder and louder.

"Finally! We've been waiting for a medic for almost half an hour! She's still out cold." A voice said.

"Sorry about the wait, let me take a look." Another replied.

Slowly, she felt herself regain feeling in her toes.

Then, her legs.

Then her hips, her torso,

And finally she opened her eyes.

"Oh! Hello there!" The voice standing over her said in a gentle tone.

"MONA!" A voice shouted. It sounded like Garret.

Mona's vision was blurry at first, but her eyes started to make out the picture she was seeing.

A crowd of people stood over her, all attentively staring her down. Garret and the doctor were all up in her face.

"W-w-what happened-??" Mona asked. She felt as though she had woken up from the longest nap of her life.

"Well, you were passed out!" Garret spewed.

"Well no shit dude, I meant before that!" Mona replied, annoyed.

"Whatever story you have to tell will have to wait for later." The doctor said to Garret before he could continue.

"Ok Mona sweetie, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna transport you to the clinic so we can fully check you out. You hit your head pretty hard and we need to make sure you haven't got yourself a nasty concussion, or really any other injury."

The nurse spoke in a very kind and caring voice, Mona liked her. Opposed to Garret, which she couldn't tell if he was going to scream at someone or cry.

"Can I get a few hands here?" The doctor asked to the crowd.

Soon, Mona was hoisted off the ground and placed onto a stretcher.

"I can walk. you know!" Mona said to the doctor.

"Just precautions, honey!" The doctor laughed.

They carried her through Mondstat and into the clinic. When they entered, the fresh sent of  citrus hit her face. Mona sighed happily at the smell.
They took her to a room, and slid her onto the bed.

"I need to go grab some things, so you and your friend can just get situated here for a moment!" The doctor said, before turning to the door.

Garret sat in the chair diagonal to her bed. He had removed his fatui mask, so Mona got the rare opportunity to actually see his eyes. They were a shade between green and brown, complementing his dirty blonde hair. Surrounding them were dark circles. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"So, what even happened?" Mona finally asked.

"That's what I was hoping to ask you! After you just vanished for all those days, then suddenly reappeared out of a cloud of smoke in the middle of the city and fell to the ground unconscious?" Garret said.

The memory started to flow back into Mona's head. That's right! She had been talking with Vivienne and Scaramouche in that Inazumian mansion, but Vivienne must've just sent her stright back!

"Wait wait wait- days? Nonono, I only disappeared this morning! It was right after I finished that magic water ride and-"

"Mona, you've been gone for four days." Garret suddenly inturrupted her. 

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