Meeting With Jean

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"Good morning sir!" Garret said slamming open the door.

Scaramouche jumped at the sudden noise and the eggs he was cooking in the frying pan flew up into the air. Scaramouche did a 180 and swiftly caught the egg back into the frying pan then returned it to the stove. "Dude!" Scaramouche shouted angrily.

"Pftt.." Mona started to giggle, but tried to hold herself back. Scaramouche whipped his head around shooting her with a stern look.

 Mona stopped laughing.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but your meeting with Master Jean begins in an hour, you should be getting ready." Garret said. "An hour till' already? But we just woke up!" Scaramouche protested, finishing the eggs and sliding them onto plates. "Sir, it's 11:30." Garret said unamused. "11:30?!?!" Scaramouche shrieked. He bolted to the bathroom, grabbing his clothes from the couch along the way. "I'll finish breakfast!" Mona shouted. 

"Wow, guess we were up so late because of the sleepover and the meteor shower last night, we slept in so late." Mona said to herself. "How was the sleepover and meteor shower, miss Mona?" Garret asked.

"Oh it was super fun! We talked and did each others nails and Scara did my hair and we had pillow fights and played hand games and-" Mona stoped herself. "Whoops, guess I got into blabbering there for a second." She said scratching the back of her head. "The meteor shower was nice too, it were super pretty. Me and Scara sat on top of that big Barbatos statue by the cathedral." She said, now uncaping the blender and pouring the smoothies into two glasses. "Nothing... of any importance happened last night?" Garret questioned. "No... why do you ask?" Mona said suspiciously. "Oh nothing, just curious." Garret replied.

Just then, Scaramouche burst out of the bathroom, fully clothed, and raced over the the island in the kitchen. "Let's eat quick, I still have to make my rounds this morning and then go to the meeting." He said, grabbing a fork and stabbing it into his eggs. "Are you not going to sit down to eat?" Garret asked. "No time!" Scaramouche replied. Mona joined him grabbing a fork and stabbing violently at her eggs and taking sips of the smoothie, both of them still standing at the island. 

After a few minutes, Scaramouche wiped his face with a napkin and took his dishes to the sink. "Thanks for the hospitality Mona, we should get going!" Scaramouche said. And without thinking, his places a swift kiss on Mona's cheek. Mona blushed furiously and Scaramouche jumped backwards snatching his hat and racing out the door. "Let's go Garret!" He shouted, covering his face to hide the blush and embarrassment of what he had done. Garret chuckled to himself and left the house clothing the door, leaving a red faced astrologist standing there.


Scaramouche raced down the streets trying to evade Garret, taking his rounds while not stopping for a second, and finally made his way to the Knights of Favonious Headquarters. "Halt!" One of the guards said causing Scaramouche to stop dead in his tracks. "Who do you have business with?" The guard questioned. "Uhh..." Scaramouche stammered. "Master Jean, we're here for her 12:30." Garret said, running up behind Scaramouche catching his breath. "Oh! You must be Scaramouche then. Please follow me." The guard said. The three went inside and the guard lead them to Jeans office. "Master Jean will be here shortly, please wait." The guard said, leaving the room. 

As soon as the door shut, Scaramouche blurted out "It's not what you think it is! I-" "Well I'm pretty sure I saw you kiss Mona on the check back there." Garret cut him of smirking. "I didn't mean to! It was a accident, honest!" Scaramouche protested.

The door creaked open and Jean came in, sitting down at her desk across from the men. 

"Mr. Scaramouche, nice to meet you. As well as you, Garret. Now I'm sure the fatui wouldn't want trouble, so I'm going to need you to cooperate." Jean said. 

"To put a long list of demands short, I want you to stay calm with my people. Don't yell at them, don't lecture them, and most importantly don't lash out at them. After your La Signora stole Barabatos gnosis, I'm on a very thin straw with you." "What do you mean, thin straw?" Scaramouche questioned. "I've learned that the harbingers will not hesitate to put others a risk, if the outcome is to their benefit. That is the opposite of what I, the Knights, and quite frankly all of Mondstat stand for." Jean said. She stood up from her chair and put her hands on the desk. 

"Mondstat is the city of freedom. My top priority is that that freedom remains to nurture all that grows here. From the people, to the animals, to the plants. No harm will come to anything you touch here in Mondstat. Do I make myself clear?" Jean said, stern and loud. "Yes ma'am. You do. I guarantee no trouble will be brought to Mondstat for my stay. Neither I, or my  acquaintances, will bring any trouble to your people." Scaramouche said in the most serious way he could.

Last night Mona told him to keep serious and not to knock a joke when speaking about the people of Mondstat. Don't beat around the bush and let your point be clear, that's how you will win over Jean. And her method seems to be working! 

"If we're clear, I want to move on to other aspects of your stay."


"Whew! That went great! Scaramouche said as he and Garret left the headquarters. "You handled that very well, sir. Normally I know you to have cracked a joke or added sarcasm to your words, Mona's techniques worked quite well I presume." Garret said. "Better than I thought they would have, yeah. There wasn't a single miscommunication! Maybe I should speak like that to people more..." Scaramouche said. They walked to the Giant Barbatos statue when a bunch a people were gathered watching a bard play. One of the faces turned around and spotted the boys. 

"Scara! Garret! Heyyyy!!" Mona said running over to them. "Mona! Wow! You look..." Scaramouche said, in shock of what he saw. "Different? Yeah.." Mona said giggling. "I just went around paying off debts I owe and did a bit of shopping for new clothes with the money you gave me." Mona happily said. 

Instead of her usual leotard and tights, Mona's look was completely different. 

She wore her hair down, white hair clips pinning some hair out of her face. She worn a cozy pink oversized turtleneck, that she had folded down at the neck. Black leggings went all the way down to her black winter boots.

"Those clothes don't look from around here, were they prehaps shipped in from Fontaine?" Garret asked. "Mhm! A new boutique had this on sale, I couldn't help myself!" Mona chuckled to herself. "How'd you guess?" Mona asked. "I'm from Fontaine actually, my family still lives there and I plan on going back once I retire." Garret answered. "That's super cool! I've heard people over there are crazy rich! I've always wanted to go, I wanna see all those posh people, ya know?" Mona said.

"How'd the meeting go?" She continued. "It went great! Thanks to your tips, of course." Scaramouche said. "What can I say? The astrologist knows her ways!" Mona said laughing. "I'm kinda hungry, do you guys want to hit up good hunter?" Scaramouche asked. Garret and Mona agreed, and the three of them made way to good hunter to eat.

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