The Tragic Past of a Foolish Droid

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Garret shouted, as he raced past a random vendors cart, desperate to get to the tavern.





Garret boots clanked on the stone streetways as he raced down them.

Garret took a sharp turn at a corner. But it was too late to notice the massive group of drunks right infront of him.


Garret plowed through the group, knocking quite a few of them over.


One of the drunks laughed as he was aimlessly rolling around on the stone pavement.



The drunks angrily waved their half-empty beer bottles at Garret as he picked himself up from the floor.

A bit set off, but that was ok. Garret picked back up to a sprint, racing for the door to the tavern.

He grabbed the handle, and the door flew open.


Garret started to say before he stopped.

Garret momentarily forgot what he was even there for. His mouth moved a bit as if he was trying to form a sentence, but no sound came out.

Scaramouche was doing a handstand... on a table...?

....Sourrounded by pretty much everyone in the tavern as the whooped and cheered.

Even the fatui guards were gathered to watch the show.

Garret shook his head violently for a moment, prehaps to re-adjust his vision, so the scene before him would instead be an angry Scaramouche sitting at the bar while everyone else cowards in the corner. That's what usually happens anyway.

But when Garret focused back into reality, Scaramouche was now flaring his legs back and fourth in the handstand. Garret stood in disbelief for a moment, before finally recollecting his thoughts.


Garret said, attempting to politely interject. But, nobody seemed to even hear him.

"Uhm.... Sir?!"

Garret shouted a bit louder this time, but still it seemed to be useless



With a yelp, Scaramouche came crashing down onto the table,


-and then again into the floor.

The other tavern-goers watched curiously at Garret, waiting for him to speak.

"What the hell dude?" Scaramocuhe said, sitting on the floor as he gripped the back of his now aching head.

Scaramocuhe was swaying a bit, so he must've been dizzy, drunk, or both.

"Sir, I have reason to believe the Ms. Megistus has been taken by Vivienne." Garret fianlly said.

"What?" Scaramocuhe looked up at Garret, and just for a moment, Garret thought he saw worry in Scaramoches eyes.

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