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      Sanchez sat at one of the pool tables in Syracuse, New York

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Sanchez sat at one of the pool tables in Syracuse, New York. They were playing Syracuse University tomorrow but to enjoy their time before the game, the boys came down to the pool. He was one of the handful that wasn't in the mood to be in the water. He was currently in his head about making a phone call to Sydnie. He wanted to do it and talk to her about things his father probably had no idea about. He knew Sydnie's perspective would be different because she knew Danielle before Ruben and saw her go through things Ruben hadn't. It excited him but scared him as well. He didn't want what he thought would be a good thing turning out to be something he regretted doing. His mom was pure in his eyes and he didn't want the image ruined.

He got up from the table and walked through the pool's gate for some privacy. He'd talked himself up to make the call and he told his dad he would call so he was going to see it through. He walked through the lobby of the hotel and found a seat in the far corner away from any incoming or outgoing guest. He went through he and Asha's thread to find the shared contact. Heart racing a bit, he pressed the contact and hit the call option before he could even process what he was doing and stop himself.

Slowly, he put the phone up to his ear and listened to it ring. The pauses between each ring felt like a minute rather than a second. He was swinging his legs open and closed and chewing on the inside of his lip until the ringing stopped. He stopped moving.

"Good afternoon, Sydnie Mitchell speaking." she answered in a proper, upbeat voice. "Hello?"

"Hi–" he cleared his throat, "–um, good afternoon. I hope I'm not interrupting anything but this Sanchez. Danielle's son."

"Oh baby, I know exactly who you are." the smile was evident in her voice. "I've been waiting on this call. I almost thought my hard headed behind daughter didn't pass on my information like I told her to. How are you?"

Sanchez had to smile. He didn't expect her voice to switch from proper and upbeat to soft and country. Her country twang wasn't strong but it was there and he heard it clearly. She was a down south woman.

"I'm alright. I'm in New York for a game tomorrow so...."

"Yeah, Bugg told me you were on the football team. What position do you play?"

"Offensive tackle."

"You any good? I don't want to drive up to Tampa to see a game and you don't show your ass."

Sanchez chuckled, "I'm worth all the talk. How are you? I know it's a Friday night and I'm calling while you're probably tryna wind down from a work week."

"I am always on go, baby. There's never a wind down even when I want to. Asha may be grown but these two knuckleheads I got still at the house drive me up a wall everyday. But I'm happy you called. Let me hear your voice and see how you're doing. The last time I talked to you on the phone you were turning six years old. Your voice was all high pitch and annoying. Puberty did you well."

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