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       What originally started out as a tame Tuesday turned into a day full of irritation

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What originally started out as a tame Tuesday turned into a day full of irritation. Her boss sent email after email that could've all fit in one, her bun had been tied too tight, and her choice of pants gave her wedgies. When she clocked out and sat in the seat of her car she was more than happy to come out her pants. She was also quick to take down her bun to relieve herself of the heavy pressure that'd given her a minor headache.

Now, she sat in traffic gently massaging her scalp with no music playing to allow herself a moment to decompress. Especially since she was scheduled to have dinner at Bahzeek and Toria's. She was close to calling in a rain check. An evening of silence in a bath and some time with her guitar would probably do her better than any social interaction.

"I'm just getting off and on my way home now. Are you already on your way or you're at the office?" Victoria shot off as soon as she answered Asha's call.

"I'm in traffic on my way home. But I called to let you know I can't come tonight. It was a long, irritating ass day and I just need to be right now."

"Yeah? I had a long day too and I damn sure didn't feel like cooking so we're on the same page. What happened on your end today?" Toria asked with her keys and belongings creating shuffle in the background.

Asha lowly sighed, "It wasn't even much. I'm just not having the best day, I guess. Like my hair was tight, my pants kept giving me a coochie wedgie and I didn't have work appropriate pants to change into. My boss was being so annoying and...I've just reached my limit for today."

"It must be something in the air. Not much happened with me either but I feel so drained. When I get home I'm pouring me a glass of wine and closing up in the room."

"Silent tv?" Asha turned into her neighborhood. It was a thing for her and the girls to Facetime and watch a show or movie in silence when they've had a terrible day.

"I'll let you know. I might go straight to sleep."

The call ended shortly after. Asha pulled into her garage and went inside the house, feeling a sense of comfort from the sheer jasmine scent. She sat her belongings down on the foyer table, kicked off her shoes and made her way upstairs.

Another wave of irritation came over when she entered her room and saw the mess she made that morning. She had been running late and made a mess. The cup of tea she made every morning had spilled on her carpet, the breakfast she didn't get to finish still sat on the ottoman, and her bed looked a mess. To make matters worse the flowers at her bedside were wilting away.

"Fuck me." she mumbled, throwing her hands up. She wasn't going to even attempt to deal with her room until she was in a better mood.

She went inside her bathroom and stopped the tub to run herself a hot bath. While the tub filled she washed the makeup from her face, tied her hair up, then set up her laptop for music. The soothing jazz instrumentals quickly warmed the room. She cut the light and let the candles on the sink provide a low lighting before she stepped into her bath. Her eyes closed as she sunk down in the hot water, resting her head against the bath pillow.

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