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         The doorbell ringing made Asha drop her pen and lift her headphones

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         The doorbell ringing made Asha drop her pen and lift her headphones. She stared off trying to see whether she'd hear the noise again but she didn't. She jumped up from her bed to look out the window and saw the Fedex truck pulling off from the curb. Since the other girls were on campus, she walked out the room in her panties and bra to grab the package from the door. When she got downstairs to it she saw it was addressed to her from Ashton. The sight of his name made her roll her eyes but she brought it inside anyway. The second she got to her room she threw the box on the floor near to her closet where the other packages he sent resided and climbed back in her bed. 

Since Christmas, she refrained from going home to visit. She had nothing left to say to her father and honestly no longer wanted to put up with him. After begging him and telling him exactly what she needed from him yet getting nothing in return had burned the bridge for her. She wasn't going to repair it and didn't care for it to be repaired at this point. She decided to forgive him without the apology and move on for her own sake. There was no point in her being upset with him when he didn't think she deserved to be upset. It was a waste of her energy while he didn't even think twice about the situation. Her hands were washed and she hoped her mother would let it be just that. She loved him dearly but was going to keep her love at a distance.

The music in her headphones came to a stop before her phone started to vibrate somewhere under her paperwork. She pushed the papers and folders around until she found it, instantly smiling at the incoming FaceTime from Sanchez. She swiped her thumb across the screen and waited for him to appear on her screen. He didn't. She was given a view of his bedroom.

"Uh...hello?" she propped her phone up on her computer only to realize she didn't have a shirt on. She got up to grab a tank top.

"I'm coming, hold on." he deeply grumbled like he'd just gotten up through his airpods from wherever he was. "I had to come get my toaster strudels."

"Oh. Goodmorning." she returned to her spot and picked her papers and the book she was writing on back up.

"Goodmorning." he chuckled then came and snatched his phone from its place while biting into his toaster strudel. "Whoa! What's going on?"

"What?" she frowned and he shook his head. "What? Why did you say whoa like that?"

He gestured to his head not wanting to say it aloud. She looked around confused until she turned to her mirror and bursted out in laughter. It was normal for her but of course he'd never seen her with her morning hair. Especially because she hadn't been up for tending to her curls for the last few months. She'd been wearing it straight or in a bun. Last night was one of the nights wear she just took her bun down and went to sleep without doing anything to it. Her pillow cases were satin anyway. So now Sanchez was looking at her with stretched curls all over her head.

"This is how I wake up like 40 to 50% of the time, sweetie." she fluffed the semi stiff hair, making it worse.

"No scarf? No bonnet? You lying cause I've seen you wrap your hair up in that thing on the top of your head."

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