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       On the other side of her room, Asha sat in her studio set up with her phone propped on a tripod as she focused on her laptop

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On the other side of her room, Asha sat in her studio set up with her phone propped on a tripod as she focused on her laptop. She was currently on Instagram live, showing them how she made her beats – when she did sit down and decide to make one. It took her a while to finish them because she wouldn't have any pushing motivation. She knew they would go unnoticed by artist if she sent them out because she'd done it before and received no response. Therefore, she made them for herself or to entertain her followers when she got super bored. Today being one of those days.

"For those of you that are now joining, we've already given the strings an underwater effect, added some piano keys and we just put in this tambourine like sound in there. Don't harass me, I don't know where I got it from but it sounds like a tambourine to me."

She explained while her eyes read over the comments filtering through as three hundred people watched her. The comments were moving fast so she used her finger to slow them down to read the ones she thought were interesting. None of them were asking her relevant questions, therefore, she put her attention back on her laptop and went on to explain her next move.

"This is usually when I'd add the bass to give me a better feel of what it's really sounding like." she scrolled through her bassline options. "I kinda already knew which bassline I wanted to use when I created the first loop of strings. I just have to find it. Hold on....Here we go."

She dragged the instrument over to where she saw fit then let it play for a half second before she knew she wanted to push it over more. Once she had it in place she hit play and her speakers rumbled from the bass coming through. On instinct, she frowned her face up in a stank expression. She smiled when the comments started to move faster with the flame emoji. There were a few people telling her to get off live with it because they didn't deserve the free game. She ignored those because she knew if anything she would just post it to her Youtube channel for non-profit users.

Youtube was where most of her social media following originated. She was on the website since she was fourteen, posting videos of her playing song covers or giving tutorials to the covers when she was asked. Back then she played her guitar every single day so it was nothing to her and just something to make practicing a little more fun. Of course, as the years went on the page gained more traction but it didn't blow until she started releasing beats every now and then. People wanted to use them to write and she would just give it away as long as her name was credited. Some were even used in other youtubers videos and now the page was resting at over ninety thousand subscribers, but she barely posted. She'd moved over to Instagram where she could just post snippets.

"On to the 808s. I keep my 808s simple because most of my beats are soft beats forreal. So I keep it simple to keep from taking away from the other elements I include."

She stayed on the live until the beat was complete then decided she'd spent enough time talking to her followers. Now was her time to check the dms she saw rolling in during the live. She was always hit with a flood of messages after her lives from small artists wanting to use the beat she just made or for her to send them other beats she may have. Sure enough that's what she saw until a blue check caught her attention. It was a poet by the name of Reyna Biddy wanting to collaborate. Asha covered her mouth.

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