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        A random heat wave caused Asha to stir in her sleep, and the freewill to move however she pleased made her eyes open

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A random heat wave caused Asha to stir in her sleep, and the freewill to move however she pleased made her eyes open. The bright sunlight made her snap them back shut, rub over them, then try once more. After a couple blinks she was able to see that she was in bed alone— well not completely—Rue stared at her from the foot of the bed. But it still made her wonder where was Sanchez and why was he up so early. The clock read 8:16am.

She pushed her bonnet back from covering her eyebrows as she climbed from the bed. Her first stop was the bathroom. She used the toilet then went to the sink to brush her teeth and wash her face when a sticky note on the mirror caught her attention.

You ugly as hell

- Teddy❤️

She cackled, "Ya mammy. Oop, sorry Auntie Danielle. It's a natural reflex."

Her toothbrush in hand, she wandered back into the room for her phone to snap a video of the note and the way she looked. She sent it to the group chat then went back to getting ready for the day. By time she had her face washed and teeth brushed, she was on a call with Dallas. She no longer lived with Sanchez. She was back in Florida— Tampa to be exact — taking a leap of faith in her and Dorian's relationship. It'd been a couple months and so far so good.

"See me? I wouldn't let that slide. But that's just me, personally." Dallas instigated from her end of the phone.

"Oh, he's gonna have to see me but I still found it funny. I'm just curious as to where he—" the sound of the front door closing cut her off. It wasn't loud but she know she heard it. "I-I think he just walked back in."

"You gotta hit 'em with one of these. Oh, I'm ugly huh?" Dallas poked her phone with two of her fingers. "You tall. Press 'em right between them eyebrows."

She got up from the bed to make her way downstairs. It was still quiet in the house but she knew she heard the door. She cautiously rounded the railing of the stairs once she hit the bottom floor and headed for the living room. Her feet came to a halt when she spotted a large bouquet and an envelope sitting on the kitchen island. It wasn't there last night. Before even going over to the flowers she walked to the front door and opened it; his car wasn't in the driveway.

"He had to just leave. Never is just the bottom lock locked. Let me call him Dallas."

She didn't wait for Dallas to reply before ending the call and dialing Sanchez's number. It rung twice.

"Hey, baby, wassup?" he answered from inside his car.

"Did you just leave? I could've sworn I heard the front door close." she walked back toward the kitchen.

"Yeah, I dropped something off but I'm not done handling business. I should be done by noon."

"Twelve o'clock!? When did you leave? It's gonna take you four hours to handle everything?" she set her phone up on the counter then picked up the envelope.

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