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The slayer focused on Ainz and readied his shoulder, "Seems he is ready Lord Ainz," Albedo spoke up. Cocytus then asked " Why. don't. we .first. send . some. undead. with. enchanted .weapons?", the other floor guardians nodded in agreement as for them this man seemed normal, then sat down with their closest servant's standing beside them.

Aura then announced " Well then slayer these shall be your first opponents!," and pointed to 3 undead with grey and dented armour carrying all sorts of weapons from Maces, Warhammers to broadswords. " I detect that the weapons may have some kind of magic in them, the scans indicate concentrated amounts of the energy around their weapons", the slayer readied his doom blade.

Before the slayer was about to pounce on the undead, Mare shouted " Wait, you must reveal all your weapons and spread on the ground before you can start combat " as she said that the undead in front started laying there weapons on the ground. " We must not show the BFG and the unmakyr for I fear that they might ask too many unnecessary questions regarding them" Samuel voiced, the slayer also agreed. He reached into his pocket dimension which is on his belt.

He took out the super shotgun and carefully laid it on the sandy floor, he pulled out all of his weapons (chainsaw as well) one by one all neatly aligned in a straight line except for the BFG and the unmakyr. " Ainz felt as if sweat was dripping from his face but of course he knew that was impossible, he raised his bony arms and signalled Mare to begin the fight. The other guardian were scratching their head as to what kind of weapons these are.

After the slayer collected his weapons he stood there ready to fight.

The undead were some meters away from the slayer, he took out his super shotgun and then the undead started running savagely towards the slayer but they weren't fast enough so aimed his weapon on them and clicked a button, the meathook blade sprang forth and impaled one of the undead the chain of the meathook tightened, he flew towards them and a loud 'BOOM' shook the air around the arena. All 3 of the undead were destroyed with a single shot of the super shotgun, he unlocked the barrel and two red objects sprang out along with smoke put another two of them in it.

He raised the gun over his shoulder and looked at Ainz menacingly.

"Calm down, calm down I know what to do uh..... that's right I will send Shizu! she is a automaton and a gunner" he thought, he then ordered the battle maid Shizu to go and fight the slayer but told her not to use too much effort.

She jumped from the podium and landed with a loud thud on the ground, she took out her gun and aimed at the slayer and stood on her guard. The slayer and Samuel were interested because they thought they were in some world where technology was primitive but the maid in front of them says otherwise. She had an eye patch, wore a camo scarf, had red hair and wore they same maid outfits as the others her other eye had a crosshair as her pupil and she was really short with a height of 4'9 while the slayer stood like a giant at 6'8.

Without hesitation she pulled out her gun, an assault rifle the slayer noted. From his experience and knowledge with guns he could think that the gun was a heavily modified PDW - 57 but he could be wrong. Blue bullets started firing rapidly towards the slayer, he dashed left and right trying to get closer to the maid, but the maid was keeping distance from him making sure to not get within his range. The maid threw grenades at him tossing confusion grenades but the slayer stood there unfazed. Noticing how he had only stood there she took out her bazooka and shot at the slayer, smoke filled the air where the slayer had been shot. " hmm", she thought to herself.

Where the slayer should have been piles of blood and bone, there instead was only dust. Then suddenly a massive force behind her shoved her face to the ground, and the slayer aimed his doomblade at the back of her head. Shizu could not push this being, his strength was indeed more than hers but there should be no mortal human who can beat her. She patted the ground signalling defeat but the slayer still kept his right knee on the maids back.

Samuel noticed the signal from the maid was under them, he told the slayer about it but he did not care he pushed his knee deeper into the maids back and she let out a scream. "That's enough slayer!", Ainz screamed at the slayer, no change in what he was doing. The slayer thought for a while about ripping this thing to shreds of metal but then he stood up and looked at the podium.

" Are we worthy enough Lord Ainz!?", Samuel spoke in a louder voice but still tried to keep his respect towards the king.

" It would seem so, let us talk during dinner, I will leave my subordinate Shalltear Bloodfallen she will lead you towards the dinning room" Ainz spoke authoritatively.

A petite young pale looking girl hopped from the podium and gracefully landed next to the slayer, first holding up the maid Shizu and giving a nasty smile at him. He paid no heed to such a small being.

Shizu was taken by another battle maid with blonde hair, he looked at the small pale girl next to him, "what are you miss? we would like to know", Samuel spoke out curiously, and like an arrogant girl she shook her head in annoyance and proceeded to the exit that was closest. The slayer followed close by her.

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