The Manuscripts

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As Ainz looked at the manuscripts laid out before him, he just realised that the mark of the slayer, looks to be of a different language entirely and so before Samuel began to translate the texts for them.

"Samuel before you begin, the mark of the Slayer. It is of a different language isn't it?, could you translate that?", Ainz asked as he pointed to another page of the manuscript that was the furthest from him.

"Yes lord Ainz, it is not of the same language as the rest, but I do not know the full meaning of the mark, to my knowledge the symbol shows of great power and it is a symbol to be feared upon, that is all I know". 

Samuel then went on to explain that the language seems to be written by someone trying to convey through their language, so the translation I make may seem 'broken'.

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"So this is the first page..",

Samuel then began to read through the manuscript silently.

"Are you sure that this is the manuscript's first page?, it only has a few sentences", Samuel asked curiously.

"Yes", Ainz replied.

"I placed this as the first manuscript because the first 3 words are very bold compared to the rest of the letter's in the manuscript", Albedo spoke.

Then Samuel began to translate it,  the first three words.

                                                            THE DARK LORD

There was silence.

Sebas took the opportunity to ask a question.

"Forgive my intrusion but, may you please tell us more about 'The Dark Lord'?", Sebas asked.

"I wonder the same Sebas, please tell us more about IT", Demiurge spoke in continuation.

"The Dark lord is known by many names, simply put he is Satan. He is the king of hell and a true opposition to the father ", Samuel answered calmly.

"What real Satan!?", Ainz thought.

"I was never a firm believer of any religion but I have heard stories of such beings but I just took them for fictional character's, what if these beings are just myth after all?", Ainz thought,

Ainz looked around to see the reactions of everyone all of whom where in deep thought.

"May I continue?", Samuel asked.

Demiurge nodded his head all while having a serious face.

The 2nd, 3rd line and 4th read, 

                                                                            The army

                                                                           of the Dark

                                                                          great power

The room was filled with grins, they have confirmation about the army and now the only thing they need to know is how.

The final line read,

                                                                           A deal can 

"What! that's it?", Shalltear asked abruptly.

"The continuation of the deal must be in the other manuscripts", Samuel told calming her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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