Chainsaws and Argent

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The slayer walked in a faster pace than when he usually walks, "I think I will tell him, of my actual situation later, better to be on his good side now and let him see the world as it is now. ...He seems to be in a hurry I guess", Ainz thought to himself watching the slayer leave.

"Bring the battle maids here, we need to have a discussion regarding our newly appointed...warrior, also Aura go and assist the slayer if he needs anything in the arena you do not need to be here", Ainz informed.

"Ugh... I should have introduced all the floor guardians to the slayer, I hate it when this happens it  makes me look like  I'm a fool" Ainz thought.

"Will gladly do Lord Ainz!", Aura replied enthusiastically.


 The slayer appeared in the middle of the arena, he brought out his super shotgun and noted that he had 22 shells left for the shotgun. Several undead zombies and skeletons popped out of thin air and laid dormant.

He took out his chainsaw, " Seems you and I had the same thought in mind" Samuel voiced. He dashed to the nearest zombie and chainsawed it in half, all the while the zombies innards came spilling out. "Hmm" the slayer thought to himself. The praetor suit is made in such a way that it absorbs the argent energy from the demons and converts it to  ammo and grenades. Having known that the suit did not pick up anything from the undead he killed, his doubts were answered. Now the other thing he wanted to try was the blood punch, there were 20 undead in front of him he readied his fists and produced a punch so hard the shockwave killed all the undead in front,  all that was left were a few intestines, brain matter and some bones soaked in blood. It would look like someone  painted a small section of the arena dark red.

The slayer did not want to use his fists all the time, he did not want to use his weapons as he knows that ammo is limited and should only be used in dire circumstance's, the slayer looked around the arena only to find the small elf like child  who announced his fight earlier. He was in bewilderment and his eyes stared at the slayer in awe. 

"Hey do you need anything ?", Aura asked the slayer.

"What is to follow next ?", Samuel asked the Elf child.


All the guardians and battle maids were looking intently at the mirror observing the slayer and his movements.

Ainz gave a [message] to Aura telling her that we will proceed to give the slayer his room next and he should proceed to the gate that will be opened soon.

The supreme being looked into the mirror to see that Aura had instructed the slayer what is to follow up. He casted a gate portal and saw them walking towards it, suddenly the slayer stopped and looked straight at Ainz, all the battle maids and floor guardians almost jumped out of their seats.


The felt the same sensation he felt when unknown demons looked at him from afar, he knew something was watching them but didn't know what or who it was. The feeling was irritating but he knew it cant be helped. Aura looked confused as to what the slayer was looking at and stared at him confusingly.

"Is something the matter, Slayer? umm.. Hayden?", Aura asked.

"Please call me Samuel, and for what the slayer is looking at even I am not sure what he seems to look at", Samuel said.

The slayer kept looking at that direction and then headed towards the portal. Now he had one thing in mind he needed a weapon as a medium for his strength and a change of armour, preferably something that is closer to the sentinel armour he had adorned years ago, for now he wanted to see how his 'room' is.

"Hey, just wanted to let you know that there is also gonna be an inauguration held tomorrow since you have joined the great tomb of Nazarick", the elf like child raised his arm in excitement.

The slayer just headed towards the portal, once he got inside he was teleported to a hallway, the hallways columns were purple and the walls were alabaster white. Above the room hung a purple flag, and the symbol was embraided with a gold like substance. The wooden doors were opened by the small elf child and he announced, " This is your new room we hope you like it!", the hellwalker strode into the room, looked around, then removed his helmet and placed it on the study table close to the King sized bed.

The room was coloured dark purple with some fancy looking torches in the corner to give illumination. He looked at the small elf child with a slightly irritated look on his face.  

"Oh I'm sorry I should not have stared", Aura blurted while her face reddened up. She closed the door and headed back to her floor.

He did not need sleep but its been long since he laid his head on a soft pillow, he laid down on the soft bed and just stared at the ceiling all night.

Samuel always thought to himself, how the slayer acts so calm and disciplined even with rage still boiling inside him, he knows a lot of things about the slayer. If the slayer ever found about what Samuel knows about him...."Never mind", Samuel spoke to himself.


" The emperor Jircniv will come tomorrow, I don't think there is much to worry about. Demiurge already knows that the empire will betray us no matter what", Ainz thought as he sat in his study. "Should I let the slayer do something?" he questioned himself.

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