TEN ; ecstatic shock

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warning, homophobia i guess. its very brief but just know that i dont feel that way, im bisexual and support every sexuality.

It had only been a few seconds since Gilbert had disappeared through the stairwell and left Syd on the roof.

Her heart, much too big for her body, was beating at record speed. To Sydney, it felt as if it had just stopped beating entirely or like it was just beating thousands of miles per hour and was simply going too fast for her to feel the thumping. Blood was rushing to her ears, a ringing sound following closely.

Now that Syd had figured it out, the realization felt painfully obvious, Syd had to mentally slap herself for being so oblivious and clueless as to not have noticed sooner.

Sydney wanted nothing more than to go back to Prince Edward Island with Gilbert and Sebastian. But she also knew she couldn't live a lie for much longer. It would eat her alive. It had been eating her alive since the moment she cut off her hair.

She made up her mind.

Syd was going to say no.

With forced confidence, Sydney let out a deep sigh and held her head up high. She stood up, putting on her flat cap and straightening out her back.

The bold, confident strides that Sydney had as she walked to the stairwell were the exact opposite of how she was currently feeling.

Her heart hurt. The thought didn't seem possible but she found herself slowing down and delaying her steps on the stairs just because subconsciously, Sydney knew she was not ready to face Gilbert and give him her answer. An answer that Sydney was not okay with nor did she really mean.

Despite the heartache, Syd continued forward on her descent to the bitter future.

The stairwell was eerily quiet, the only sound coming from the echoes from Syd's light footsteps. This allowed for Sydney's chaotic thoughts to run amok and she started muttering to herself.

"God I'm stupid."

"Why did I think getting close to someone here was a good idea?"

"I'm a liar."

"Gilbert's going to know I'm a liar."

"I can't live knowing he hates me."

"I can't live without him."

"I love him."

Sydney's whispered voice cracked and a choked sob left her quivering lips. She stopped at the very top of the last staircase, her left hand clutching the railing and her right clasped over her aching, porcelain heart.

She thought back to what Gilbert admitted back on the roof.

"I don't think I could ever live happily if you aren't there with me."

That short, simple sentence that Gilbert muttered so easily and casually but filled with so much repressed emotion changed everything for Sydney.

The wires in her brain were rearranged, blood pumped faster into her heart. The dull, muted red door in front of her that led towards the boy she longed for suddenly became more filled with life.

Sydney Salem would never be truly happy if she wasn't with Gilbert Blythe in one way or another.

The speed at which Syd ran, would be otherwise impossible for her unathletic body if it wasn't for the adrenaline rushing through her entire being.

She practically jumped over every step, rushing towards the exit. The heavy metal door didn't faze her, as she pushed it open with ease and continued her sprint to find Gilbert.

LITTLE HUMMINGBIRD ━━ ( GILBERT BLYTHE )Where stories live. Discover now